Octobre 1 2019: Today I am feeling down... - Advanced Prostate...

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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Octobre 1 2019

Geanton profile image
19 Replies

Today I am feeling down . It feels like a piece of garbage today. it is from the chemo or cancer but I know It is both . god please help me pass this day

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Geanton profile image
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19 Replies
Drcrunch profile image

Look at the headlines, who can help but feeling that way sometimes. We are bombarded with negative imput. Not the best for health

Hang tough, Geanton. Most of us have had those days. I've done 15 chemo session in the past year (one more to go). I had times of despair but somehow just living and finding small joys in everyday things really helps me. I also go fishing whenever I can and it refocuses my mind....or helps me engage in something other than pc. We understand what you are going through and I hope you can find some peace in your day-to-day. Warm regards.

Mamabakes994 profile image

Yes, hang in there. I know that my husband been on this roller coaster ride too. Just keep the faith and things will get better. This cancer is a demon but keep fighting! My prayers sent your way!

I get it!!!

Jackpine profile image


Stay strong on these days. It’s so easy to get discouraged and down when you are feeling like crap.

If you have a spouse or significant other let them know how you feel, I find it helpful to talk about how I feel on these days.

vandy69 profile image

Was there back in December. My Med Onc prescribed Lexapro, an antidepressant. Made a big difference in my daily outlook. Talk it over with your doc.

Best Wishes. Never Give In.

Mark, Atlanta

bellyhappy58 profile image

I am in my third infusion of docetaxel....There are days that are so rough. We have been there. Stay the course. Have faith and enjoy every day . Rest if u must. Exercise and walk if u can. Pray and let the LORD guides you and provide you the wisdom and peace.Amen

Geanton profile image
Geanton in reply to bellyhappy58


tom67inMA profile image

Chemo will make you feel awful and fill your head with all sorts of awful thoughts. You're basically having a drug that *causes* depression injected directly into your veins. Anti-depressants can help counteract the effects. So can medical marijuana.

This is not to say you "have to" or "should" take an anti-depressant, just be aware that low mood and nausea are direct effects of chemo. Taking an anti-depressant during chemo isn't much different than taking an anti-nausea pill.

Geanton profile image
Geanton in reply to tom67inMA


blueCello profile image

So sorry you are feeling incredibly blue. This is not a disease for the faint of heart. I think 8 knots is onto something; take your joy however you may find it but be sure to find it! Best wishes for brighter sunnier days.

Geanton profile image
Geanton in reply to blueCello


monte1111 profile image

If you are on the couch, watch an episode of Cheers. Or any of the old situation comedies. Anything that makes you laugh. And then a well deserved trip to the refrigerator. Cheers.

Geanton profile image
Geanton in reply to monte1111


Tjc1 profile image

It will get better when you have been on ADT so long you forget how you used to be!

Kaliber profile image

Hang in there brother ....maybe try half a cannabis cookie made from decarbed sativa ( 1:1 ratio ... 1gm per cookie ) and a bit of Xanax ( the .25 size works well enough ) .. eat some indulgence food and hang around some friends at a local coffee shop for a while. all us brothers here have those same days , I know I do .. ... we got your back if you need us.

Lupron , opiate pain meds and Xtandi (my current meds ) all are known to cause depression .. never mind random bursting out hormone crying .... but sometimes it’s hard to remind myself it’s likely intensified by or a direct product of my meds .... on top of the obvious PCa. More drug induced than anything.

I’m having 1/3 of a fresh baked chewy dank Alien Bubba Kush cookie edible ( I made a few dozen yesterday) this morning along with my Kona and dry toast ... it turns my frown upside down pretty quickly.

Now I’m gonna sit ,nap and watch some cartoons on tv .....

I went to my doctor and told him I’m depressed ... he said “ cheer up, things could be worse “ ....

So I cheered up ... and he was right , things got worse !!

I went to my oncologist and he said my tests showed I was screwed, blued and tattooed.... plus he congratulated me for having the highest psa of any of his previous patients ( 1400 - 1600 ) ...took a few selfies etc ...

Wtf , I thought , this doesn’t sound right ... so I told him I wanted a 2nd opinion ....

Well alright he said ..... “ you are ugly too “ .......

Peace and love brother

You’ll do fine. After nine infusions of Taxotere, nine infusions of Adrimyacin, Ketoconozole, Erustramine, Prednisone, and Lupron - all in a 180 day period fifteen years ago, I took heart that the little bastards were dying while I “lived” on Zofran. Focus on and surround yourself with positive thoughts and people. Shun all negativity. Always remember that you are a Statistic of One - matters not what the average or mean “numbers” say, your number is the only one that really counts. Accept Pray from people of all religions. You are truly in the hands of your God and the best damn PCa Medical Oncologist available.


j-o-h-n profile image

Sorry I'm 5 days late... but as they say:"Keep calm and take cover"

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Sunday 10/06/2019 10:28 PM DST

Geanton profile image
Geanton in reply to j-o-h-n


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