Trying cbd with thc using tincture, any advice on using for the first time.
cbd and thc : Trying cbd with thc using... - Advanced Prostate...
cbd and thc

I would skip the tincture and go for the liquid mix. Tincture has alcohol or water in it. You don't want it cut.
Jus make sure you check any meds you are taking for grapefruit interaction. Such meds may become less effective with use.
Based on tincture bottle strength do the calculations to judge strength of one drop.
Put drops on 1/2 oyster cracker and then put oyster cracker under your tongue. Let it all turn to mush.
I found through trial that every 6 hours(without fail) and started at about 25mg per dose(4x25=100mg per day) really finally resolved the most metastatic pain. Number of drops for 25mg dose depends on bottle strength. About 600 drops in a one ounce(30ml) bottle.
This works better than anything else for ME. I was able to cut back on Norco(opoids) from 8+ down to 2 a day. Can't stop all opoids as there is some certain pain that only specific meds help.
This therapy choice at least minimizes and stops me from ramping up more Norco. Maybe later I have to add more later?
I eventually reluctantly added about 25-45mg a day to resolve some head pain that nothing else touched. EACH through trial has to judge for THEMSELVES what methods are needed to control CRONIC pain. Smaller consecutive, consistent, doses work best. You should have personal feedback within a day or so. (4 doses over 24 hours)
Find YOUR minimums and vary accordingly.
Start a OTC stool softener 2x a day for ANY opoids.
BTW I found CBD in Olive oil stayed in suspension far better than coconut oil. Higher strength settles out as crystal solid. Have to heat to get back into liquid form and out of bottle.(Sit bottle in cup of hot water works)
Take a litle wait 2 hrs....take alittle more....12mg is a good dose for a non sug. 5 mg to start...(thc) ..the cbd doesnt relly matter...
( besides the PCa ) I have extensive bone joint disease issues and can eat ibuprofen and vikes like candy to ease the discomfort off when it’s acting up. Hits me everywhere . I had used so many ibuprofen that I’m concerned about holes in my intestines etc. . I switched to Meloxicam and it worked much better than ibuprofen but it elevated my liver enzymes well above normal. I had tried cbd a couple of times in the past but dismissed it as ineffective for my problems.
Couple of weeks ago my medical cannabis provider brought over a cbd - thc 2:1 emu based oil product for me to try ... he also brought a cbd oil capsule product from Amazon. I’ve used both products daily for over a week and haven’t needed a ibuprofen at all since I started. The combination of both has been so effective that it’s surprising. There has been no noticeable high with the cbd - thc product as well.
Guess times have changed and products have improved considerably. I would never have believed this until I tried it. For me , for now ...cbd - thc is working great for my bone joint pain.
Hello kaliber. I'm looking for the best cbd product for my daddy. Can you tell me the name of your cbd THC oil product. There are plenty of products. I really appreciate your recommendation. Thank you in advance.
Welp ... the product I used last was EMU 420 Mystic Mango Medicated Elixir. You can and should google it . I haven’t been able to use any thc product for a while due to my opioid contract with Kaiser. They drug test me all the time ( today for example ) in retrospect, I think that product does relieve pain , much like drinking alcohol does. You get so happy stoned , you just forget about it for a while. Yayahahahaya you can give that a try if you live where it’s legal , it’s fairly expensive but the number of people that I know that have used give it “ high “ marks.
Best wishes 💪💪💪🎃🎃🎃