I'd like to hear from anyone who is trying hard to keep fitness up wile on ADT and Zytiga. I've been on ADT for 16 months now and close to a year on Zytiga. In between I've done the six cycles of Taxotere and 26 sessions of IMRT. Do you plateau on strength and endurance losses after a year or so of ADT, or does it keep getting worse? I used to do six sets of six pullups and now I'm down to three sets of three! Two-hour bike ride Saturday nearly did me in (but I'm okay for one hour--but slower than my old normal).
ADT, Zytiga and Fitness: I'd like to... - Advanced Prostate...
ADT, Zytiga and Fitness

I was in adt and Zytega for 21 months after 4 sessions of chemo. I’m 63. At the advise of my MO I focused on weight training only. I do vigorous training 3 days a week for about an hour and a half. Vigorous. I do this out of fear. I’ve lost weight, gained strength and muscle. Not easy tho and not for the feint of heart. I use a mean trainer. Won’t take my cancer nor my drugs as an excuse. So I have no choice. My before prove my point.
69 years old. 10 months on ADT and 4 months on Zytiga. 30 sessions IMRT. No chemo. Exercise consists mostly of lap swimming 6 days per week. Miner reduction in strength early on and some fatigue but I’m pretty much back to normal and maintaining a good weight. However I was doing the exercise for most of my life prior to cancer. Mostly running till arthritis precluded that, then elliptical machine then swimming (cardio issues). I admire those who can start meaningful daily exercise late in life. It’s tough if you were never in the habit early on.
New to the treatment - ADT 3 months, Zytiga 2months Seen about a 15% drop in weight I can lift - now I am concentrating on more weight lifting and less cardio. Do not know if the strength will come back or it will continue to drop but hoping the work out change will at least plateau the loss.
Hi I am 50 and was diagnosed at 47 with Gleason 9 advanced. I was put on Zytiga pred and hormone therapy. I have always been fit and healthy and continue to walk miles each day and push myself on the weights. Weight bearing exercise is important as if you don’t use it you lose it. Recovery is harder and I can’t do anywhere near the training I used to but I’m fit and healthy and still working out. Despite this I have put on approx I stone mostly around the boob and middle area. Keep fit if you can but it will be much harder than before as we now run our bodies without testosterone. I have accepted the reality of body changes and being less physically strong but I’m still pushing everyday. I do weights and stretches when I get up and then walk around 5k with my dogs. If I stop this regime I begin to get bad sciatica and pelvic pain. I feel a lot more muscle pain in my pelvis and legs which is probably in part due to muscle wastage. It is possible to stay fit but it’s harder than before. 💪
keep in touch Apollo123. It seems the consensus is that staying fit is harder but it doesn't keep getting worse. I went to radiation only six months after chemo so I feel like I am just recovering now. I am 52 with Gleason 9 starting point. Endurance seems to be biggest loss. Part of this I blame on Flomax though with lower blood pressure. Weight gain for me is not bad but I wish I could drop about 5 lbs / 2Kg.
For your legs and pelvis I recommend barbell squats or kettlebell swings.
👍 thanks for the tip.
After one year on ADT, I’ve lost about 10-15% muscle strength doing the same routine as before DX. I lift, run, swim, or play tennis every day, but I can tell my performance is like a man 10 years older— the pop just isn’t there. The muscles don’t seem to have any “strength retention”, like they’re soft just one day after a lift, so I’m thinking about doing a light lift on otherwise off days.