I believe that Sartor at Tulane and Denmeade at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore. Certainly anyone you want to supervise your Bipolar Androgen Therapy (BAT) , you want to have some experience with it.
I went to Tall_Allen's blog and looked up the BAT investigators on the BAT studies that Tall_Allen cites. Below are what I found. I notice that Dr. Drake is on the list.
Is anyone aware of which of these Docs are willing to supervise Bipolar Androgen Therapy (BAT) outside of those trials? If any of you are already using them as Docs, it should be relatively easy to ask.
Let's work together to put together a list.
Phase 1 Trial of High-Dose Exogenous Testosterone in Patients with Castration-Resistant Metastatic Prostate Cancer
Michael J. Morris,a,b,* Daisy Huang,b William K. Kelly,a,b Susan F. Slovin,a,b Ryan D. Stephenson,aCaitlin Eicher,a Anthony Delacruz,a Tracy Curley,a Lawrence Schwartz,c and Howard I. Schera,b
Effect of bipolar androgen therapy for asymptomatic men with castration-resistant prostate cancer: Results from a pilot clinical study
Michael T. Schweizer,*† Emmanuel S. Antonarakis, Hao Wang, A. Seun Ajiboye, Avery Spitz, Haiyi Cao, Jun Luo, Michael C. Haffner, Srinivasan Yegnasubramanian, Michael A. Carducci, Mario A. Eisenberger, John T. Isaacs, and Samuel R. Denmeade†
Bipolar androgen therapy in men with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer after progression on enzalutamide: an open-label, phase 2, multicohort study
Benjamin A Teply, MD
Hao Wang, PhD
Brandon Luber, MS
Rana Sullivan, RN
Irina Rifkind, RN
Ashley Bruns, RN
Avery Spitz, RN
Morgan DeCarli, BS
Victoria Sinibaldi, CRNP
Caroline F Pratz, CRNP
Changxue Lu, PhD
John L Silberstein, MHS
Jun Luo, PhD
Michael T Schweizer, MD
Prof Charles G Drake, MD
Prof Michael A Carducci, MD
Channing J Paller, MD
Emmanuel S Antonarakis, MD
Prof Mario A Eisenberger, MD
Prof Samuel R Denmeade, MD