What Doctors are currently doing Testosterone Shock Therapy? This is what I know so far:
1. Dr. Liebowitz at Johns Hopkins has experimented with BAT in small clinical trials:
Here are the authors: Robert L. Leibowitz, Tanya B. Dorff*, Steven Tucker†, James Symanowski‡
, and Nicholas J. Vogelzang§; Compassionate Oncology Medical Group, *University of Southern California, Los Angeles CA, USA, † Pacific Cancer Centre, Singapore, ‡ Nevada Cancer Institute, Las Vegas, NV and § US Oncology, Comprehensive Cancer Centers of Nevada, USA
2. Here are some named authors from the following study:
Benjamin A Teply, MD, Michael T Schweizer, MD, Prof Charles G Drake, MD, Prof Michael A Carducci, MD, Channing J Paller, MD, Emmanuel S Antonarakis, MD, Prof Mario A Eisenberger, MD, and Prof Samuel R Denmeade, MD , Department of Oncology (B A Teply MD, M T Schweizer MD, Prof C G Drake MD, Prof M A Carducci MD, C J Paller MD, E S Antonarakis MD, Prof M A Eisenberger MD, Prof S R Denmeade MD) and Department of Urology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA; Division of Oncology and Hematology, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE, USA (B A Teply); Department of Medicine, Division of Oncology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA (M T Schweizer); and Division of Hematology/Oncology, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY, USA (C G Drake)
3. A speaker at the 2018 PCRI casually mentioned that he has used Testosterone Shock Therapy with, I recollect 5 patients: Dr Przemyslaw Twardowski (City of Hope and Providence St. John's Hospital and John Wayne Cancer Institute in Los Angeles) TwardowskiD@JWCI.org, 310-582-7137,
So what other Docs are using Testosterone Shock therapy? Can anyone add any Docs to this list or add any institutions to this list? Anyone?
BIPOLAR androgen therapy (BAT) - alternating periods of ADT with periods of high testosterone supplementation. The rationale for it and results so far are explained here:
(A Great Tall-Allen Blog post)