So far I have been on Lupron for a total of fifteen months. In 2017, I had Lurpron for six months when I had cyberknife for recurrent prostate cancer. That time I had some weight gain, between five and ten pounds. Currently, I am on Lupron plus Casodex since November 2018 for metastatic prostate cancer in pelvic and abdominal lymph nodes. This time I have not gained any weight. As a matter of fact I have lost a few pounds. My current weight is a pound or so lower than my weight before starting Lupron in 2017. I would be interested to know about men not gaining weight on Lupron.
Not gaining weight on Lupron - Advanced Prostate...
Not gaining weight on Lupron

I have lost 15lbs since I started ADT. I watch my calories and exercise daily. (My MO had told me to expect to gain 20lbs.)
I’m 185lbs today and weigh only 5 lbs more than when my wife and I got married 33-years ago. My goal is to get down to 180 this summer.
Thanks for asking!
I lost weight too. But I did hard weight training 3 days a week and watched what I ate. Fear is a good motivator. I’ve also read that metformin tends to help you lose weight
I noticed the tendency to gain belly fat on Lupron/Zytiga but have kept it in check through exercise, diet, and intermediate-fasting. Started HT about 4 months ago, and weight went from 148 to 143lbs, probably due to lost muscle-mass.
I have taken Eligard 45 mg (a six monthly injection). Its supposed to be very similar to Lupron. I have been on Eligard since the beginning of March, 2018, about 17 months now.
I was about 175 lbs till the end of February, 2019. Since then I have lost weight and am now about 160 lbs. This is without any exercise at all. On the contrary, I have cut down on the small amount of walking I used to do. Instead, I read a bit more
I've lost 10 or more pounds since diagnosis while on Eligard/Lupron, but mostly due to radiation and chemotherapy messing up my digestive system. I was just starting to show signs of regaining when I started Zytiga + Prednisone, and now I'm eating a bit extra some days to prevent further loss. Even with the weight loss I still have some belly fat but my arms and legs are scrawnier than they have been in years.
While extreme or ongoing weight loss is bad, I'm convinced moderate weight loss followed by stabilizing at a lower but still healthy weight is a good thing in the battle against cancer.
My PSA dropped from 4.48 in November just before starting Lupron to 0.1 by end of May. Isn't that an indication that my Testosterone is down to castrate level?
I am on Lupron for a month....have lost 2 lbs. Eating only plant based diet. walking 4 miles a day, Hope weight loss does not become a trend. Currently I am at my ideal weight.
My weight stayed just about the same. I eat well and exercise a lot… But I still lost muscle mass and gained belly fat and a thin, but noticeable layer all over my body.☹️
Why E2? Stay healthy
I have been on Eligard (Lupron) or Firmagon for 2.5 years, and I have gained about 20 pounds. Weight was always very steady before ADT
Thx mate!!
Lupron/Zytiga for 6 months. No significant weight gain or loss. I'm skinny (162 Lb, 6'1'') and weight hasn't changed +/- 5 lb in 30 years. Seems like a bit more belly flab, but doesn't that come with being 76? I tell myself that, except for having Stage IV PCa, I've got a lot to be thankful for at my age. I even have a full head of hair.
I was told the average was 9lbs weight gain when going on Lupron. I am in my 5th of a 6-month course and have lost about 5lbs. I did not want the weight gain either so started to pay attention and eat only when I was hungry and slow down how quickly I ate. I have also been cycling a lot but I feel my strength weakened from pre-Lupron days.
My husband's weight has stayed steady in almost 2 yrs on lupron. He did switch to a completely vegan diet and he works out. Weight was always steady before diagnosis- he was a college athlete and stayed active.
So far I’ve had ADT (Casodex with Lupron(9/1/18) and now Lupron with Zytiga(4/1/19), with a side of predisone). Brachytherapy (April 26th) and have completed 25 days (of 25) of RT on 7/8. Bottom line, no side effects and I feel great.
I lost 2 lbs in the past 3 weeks and I'm not overly concerned. Never gained any weight.
My husband is on 4 month Lupron shots. He had his first in January and his second in May. He also is on 48 radiation treatments and has not gained any weight. His most difficult side effects are muscle weakness (muscle wasting as it's been called) particularly in his core and legs and constant night urination and possibly some "brain fog."
Muscle weakness, fatigue, and depression are the common side effects of Lupron. Since your husband is undergoing radiation treatment, the Lupron shots may end after the radiation treatment is complete. In my case, the cancer in the prostate was killed by brachytherapy in 2011. I had to undergo my second radiation treatment for recurrent cancer outside the prostate. Since April 2018, my cancer has spread to many lymph nodes. I may have to be on Lupron on a long term basis.
I don't know which is bigger, my belly or my tits?
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Wednesday 07/17/2019 8:01 PM DST