I just started participating in a clinical study at MSKCC. The objective of the trial is to determine whether two drugs, when given simultaneously, perform better than when used individually. The study will evaluate the results on various types of cancers with BRCA1/2 and ATM mutations (breast, ovarian, PC, etc).
The two drugs are Talazoparib (PARP inhibitor) and Avelumab (Immunotherapy, Checkpoint inhibitor). Supposedly lab tests showed that there may be a synergistic effect between them, attacking the cancer from two fronts. Both are made by Pfizer, the trial sponsor.
I have the BRCA2 mutation, and when it became clear nothing was really working for me (lupron, taxotere, abiraterone), my MO contacted MSKCC to get me in the study. A PARP inhibitor would have been the next thing on the list, anyway.
I post this in case somebody is in the same boat as me and may be interested. They are still enlisting recruits. The sponsor supplies the drugs at no cost.
This is a nation-wide study, not just at MSKCC...