Good morning all, I trust everyone continues this gruelling uphill climb and forward march against APC!
We have had some challenging last few months. Hubby has been in and out of the hospital. Cancer has metastasized to the liver (“severe multiple lesions”) and several more boney sights.
Pain, nausea and vomiting seem so challenging to manage. He has no appetite, loosing weight/body mass like crazy. (37 lbs in past 3 months). Some days he is afraid to drink fluids, that worries me a lot. (Concerned about his kidneys)
He is on Fentanyl 50 mcg with MsO4 15 mg for breakthrough pain. (He sometimes uses oxy 5/325) He is on Tigan and Zofran for nausea. (which helps if he takes them).
I hope we can get get a PICC Line in very soon so he remains hydrated at home. He hates hospitals and I much rather care for him at home.
This past weekend I almost cried (well I did) begging him to drink so they don’t admit him. Thank God I made my own electrolyte drink (Himalayan sea salt and organic maple syrup and soft water) and also used fresh coconut water!!!!! Who speaks against Nautre’s Remidies? His chemistry was ok when we walked into Oncology on monday morning.
They will hold off all treatment until nausea and vomiting subside. I am so grateful for our travels last year...Tobago January, where he performed the wedding for one of his much beloved nieces... Brazil-Venezuela-Guyana early summer and then Bermuda for his birthday in November. Oh did we have fun in Bermuda!!!! He had so much energy. I brought so much reading material because I thought we would mostly stay in. (Caregivers will appreciate how tired one can be). He said I am the one one with Cancer come on wake up, let’s go!!!!
I look at him with such sadness in my heart. He worries about financiers and my future. He says you are so kind, you’ll give everything away. I don’t want you to be homeless! He said don’t let the children put you in a Nuraing Home. He is so worried about my future even as I try to assure him I will be ok, relatively speaking.
I was hoping to retire next month. I tell him not to worry, my health is pretty ok and I think if nothing changes, I can go for another 10 years working, if I really had to. That’s out the window now. We are still paying for our home. I have encouraged him to sell but it’s his pride. The home he bought for his family...the driveway which still holds his two classic cars...a Mercury Marquis ‘84 and a Pontiac Bonneville Borougham ‘84. And oh his garage which I have invaded... guilty of robbing him of some of his sacred storage space. ( I host an annual Communiy Health Fair in our Neighborhood Park. We offer screenings and preventative health classes... vegan cooking classes, massages, hydrotherapy etc) I store my stage and other equipment I usually use for the event in the garage.
After all this rambling, I say to you champions, keep fighting. Take time to enjoy life. Do the things you always wanted to do and never took the time to do. Don’t worry about too much, things usually fall into place.
I have found family and friendship on this site. Your knowledge, wisdom and love has kept us going. We hope for the best and keep looking for the path to trod on.
Be well all... thank you.