Hi everyone.
So Paul had his second Carbo Platin infusion on Thursday.
As you know, his first round was a little difficult. During the first week he had a lot of nausea and sickness but he was given more anti-sickness medicfation and it is really helping and he is eating again and no nausea at all. Then, in the second week of round one, he had a little bit of a virus which made him feel chesty and his temperature went up a bit so we went to hospital to get his bloods tested but they were okay so the doctor told us to just rest, drink lots of water and sleep; and the virus went. So he was all ready to go for round two.
He is very, very sleepy all the time. In the third week he experienced a lot of shortness of breath as well. But those are the only side-effects.
And now: The brilliant news is that all three liver markers are improving. They are all not back in the normal range yet but a lot better, and although they go up and down a little, the tendency is definitely down into the normal range. We are so happy about that and hoping that this of course means that the liver mets are decreasing.
Best wishes to all of you!
Mel and Paul.