any one have an opinion on using Capsaicin as part of their supplement treatment plan?
Capsaicin Anyone?: any one have an... - Advanced Prostate...
Capsaicin Anyone?

No , but I think it’s good. I Do alot of cayenne...

I with LuLu - no supplements, but use organic cayenne pepper daily in all sorts of food.
Here's a list of capsaicin content in some food sources.
Mama Mia, That's a some a hot spaghetti sauce! Be Well - cujoe
We do also.
Mama ! Mia ! I used to say “ Dems some Spicey meat a balls” now neither a meat eater or a ball owner , I can’t use that one anymore. It’s black bean pasta now , but still love the marinara .. later cujoe

I'm still with you, man. I rotate thru black bean, red & yellow lentil, and chickpea pasta. I do use store-bought organic sauce, but I load it up with my own spices (inc some cayenne) and veggies. In fact along with a big salad, that's what I had for dinner tonight. Not quite Beantown North End approved, but just fine for me.
Eat Lots of Plants to Be Well - cujoe
We could break bread together.. sounds like how we eat too. Once I got on the organic life , there’s no going back . There was a movie with Kevin Spacey named Kpac , he came from another planet . The quote I loved while the feds were interigating his was “ The produce only was worth the trip “ as he devoured a juicy ripe peach . Fresh organic produce is heaven on earth . Eat well friend..

Not going to get any arguments from cujoe about any of that, Lulu
Where do you buy these non wheat pastas. Rocco
Believe it or not, I get mine from the local Walmart. The brand is LENSI, an Italian product distributed by American Italian Pasta Co., Kansas City, MO. Price is about double that of wheat pasta & for only 10 oz. at that.
My local Walmart carries a MUCH more extensive line of organic products/fresh produce than any of the high end grocery chains like, Harris-Tetter or Publix. I can even sometimes buy organic kale from a local organic farmer there. Be Well - cujoe
PS For those who eat wheat-based pasta (or any other grain products for that matter), it seems reasonable to only buy organic due to glyphosate contamination; i.e., Why Is Glyphosate Sprayed on Crops Right Before Harvest?
Thanks cujoe. I'll stock up. Miss my passta with plant base meatallsin muir glen org portabella tom sauce
Now, nearly 2 days since I wrote this, I remembered (after taking one last night) that I DO take a Capsaicin supplement after all. It's Nature's Way Cayenne & Garlic product and I take a max of one a day and only with a meal where I am eating food with one or both of the ingredients. (Which is now usually every day.) Sorry for the misleading info in the original post. Stll Trying To Be Mentally Awake - cujoe
I drink a concoction comprised of beets, celery, parsley, horseradish root, ginger, yellow onion, garlic, carrot and purple potato peels, ginger, spring water and cayenne to boost immunity; it works in my case.I
I eat several jalapenos per week, as well, and might be worse off at this stage of the War if I didn't.
I sounds good -- where do you get the concoction?
Only trouble I have obtaining ingredients at the grocery stores is with horseradish root off season, then I WASH & chop everything up and bring it (about a half-gallon) to simmer til the veggies look blanched, strain it and hoist. I got the recipe from a Dr. Schultz (sic?) about 14 years ago online. Don't fall for stuff like
that as a rule (now), but that's one thing I'm glad I did.
How does that taste?
I take a product called Orac-Energy GREENS from Swanson.
1,000 mg daily (cayenne). "NOW" brand on Amazon.
I did it .Must be taken With food.
Because of research findings on capsaicin and prostate cancer (go to, I take 3 capsules of Swanson’s “super cayenne” before each meal. Drink several glasses of V8 juice daily. I do this for the Lycopene.
I start with empty spice bottle. I put a variety of spices in equal parts. I then fill empty gelatin capsules after shaking the bottle. I take one gelatin capsule with each meal. I have gaviscon tabs in case of heartburn. I tell doctors they just go into silence and change the subject.
I take hot sauce often but somewhat inconsistently. I make a sweat off the top of the head vegan chili at least a couple times a week. It is about one and a half quarts. Some garlic ciabatta bread covered with chopped garlic--covered--to accompany it. I eat it all.
Sometimes I use an organic hot sauce straight out of the bottle, a big swig.
Some friends own a deli. Some of us gather there at times. One of us miscreants brought in a small bottle that was labeled as "Dave's Insanity".
Here is the company's description:
"Enjoy the original hottest sauce in the universe and Dave’s favorite food enhancer. Dave’s breakthrough blend of peppers and spices launched the super hot market and forever changed the face of fiery foods. Its only sauce ever banned from the National Fiery Foods Show. Add an insane boost, one drop at a time, to your stews, burgers, burritos and more."
Me being me, and four of us in mixed company at the table--I said I could down a tablespoon. I did. That was a year and half ago. The bottle is still in the deli case. For some strange reason, no one uses it! Last Saturday night I mentioned how I downed a tablespoon once. Yep! I did it again! It was easier this time as I have been eating so much chili and dosing hot sauce that now the Insanity seems milder, well, I guess I have a developed a tolerance! You will develop a tolerance too!
Dr. Klotz spoke of a patient with hormone resistant prostate cancer who used hot sauce. Very interesting! He discusses this at about 14 minutes in to the video. Listen to everything he has to say though. Brilliant man.