* NFG = No good.
I finished up 9 cycles of docetaxal in July in a chemo-resistant state and started on Enzalutamide. Unfortunately Enza has done absolutely nothing. No impact on disease progression at all. I remain on Zolodex of course and MO added metformin and statins to my cocktail of drugs to no avail. Probably not a surprise since I became castrate resistant 3 months after starting Zolodex (2017).
So what's next? I am looking at 2 clinical trials at Peter Mac in Melbourne.
1. Galahad trial. This is looking at somatic DNA repair issues (I had germ line DNA tests in Jan 2018 and it was all clear). Blood was drawn yesterday, I get results in 2.5 weeks. MO suspects that we will find something given my recent history (primary ADT resistance, early metastisis to liver and other soft tissues but no bone mets). If there are DNA issues (eg BRCA genes) then I will start appropriate therapy (eg PARP inhibitors)
2. TheraP trial. Participants are randomised to receive either cabazitaxal or Lutetium 177. I will only join this trial if somatic DNA tests come back negative.
in the meantime, MO has asked me to stop Enzalutamide as it must be flushed from the system for 4 weeks before PARP inhibitors can be taken. This is sort of OK because Enza was doing nothing anyway, but I do feel a bit helpless with a rising PSA and no current therapy except for a useless Zolodex implant.
Anyone else in Australia on these trials? If so how are you going?
Ever onwards and keep fighting!