Recently did the 18F PSMA1 007 PET/CT scan as result of rising PSA after prostatectomy in April 2016. PSA at 0.91 now and doubling every 5 months. Scan showed one small 4 mm avid right internal iliac lymph node that favors metastatic.
Consultations with 3 urologists, 3 radiation oncologists all have recommended whole pelvic IMRT including lymph nodes and SBRT to avid node along with 6 months ADT (Lupron). Rational is to get in now that the source is known for the cause of the PSA rising and treat it along with any (likely) micrometastisis that might be lurking (but not seen on scan). Hit it now before it spreads
This seems standard of care from my research and seeing this approach commented on this site. Discussed this approach with a medical oncologist who understands my concerns for radiation and ADT side effects (now and in the future). He, like all medical practitioners, can only recommend and leave the decision to the patient. He said if you don't treat now it could spread or it may not for years - it is up to you. He said it is difficult to make decisions when no painful symptoms are present. While good to chat with - as usual it's up to me.
Any thoughts on my clinical situation and the approach being recommended would be appreciated from the many more experienced members on this site? Regards