My father, 66 years old, Stage 4 and PSA 29 at diagnosis in July 2017 has recently received his routine blood test results (i.e. we are now a year on from diagnosis). He immediately went on Lupron and then had 6 cycles of Docetaxel in November/December 2017 and some radiation on the two significant mets on his spine. He also switched from Lupron to Transdermal Oestradiol (patches) as part of the STAMPEDE study in November 2017. I’m including his results below, firstly to get some general feedback (I’m of the opinion that they are pretty positive, particularly the time to PSA nadir), but I wondered if anyone could tell me what E2 refers to? It seems to fluctuate quite a lot. I’m pretty sure I know all the other acronyms and they all look to be good indicators that the treatment is working well. Thanks.
Aug-17 PSA: 29 ALP: 160
Aug-17 PSA: 2.7 ALP: 136
Sep-17 PSA: 1.2 ALP: 75 TES: <0.4 E2: 676
Oct-17 PSA: 0.4 ALP: 62
Oct-17 PSA: 0.2 ALP: 66 TES: <0.4 E2: 239
Nov-17 PSA: 0.2 ALP: 72 TES: <0.4 E2: 311
Dec-17 PSA: 0.2 ALP: 62 TES: <0.4 E2: 237
Feb-18 PSA: 0.2 ALP:59 TES: <0.4 E2: 566
May-18 PSA: 0.1 ALP: 52 TES: <0.4 E2: 614
Jul-18 PSA: <0.03 ALP: 44 TES: <0.4 E2: 403