I'm starting Zytiga this week so curious to know how long it may last in suppressing PSA and other symptoms. Someone posted recently that they have been on it for 6 years with no rise in PSA. Is there anyone out there whose Zytiga run of success has surpassed 6 years?
Zytiga - Duration of Effectiveness - Advanced Prostate...
Zytiga - Duration of Effectiveness

I've been in Zytiga for 8 months. It's working and the side effects are pretty bearable. I hope it works for a long time.
It can depend on when you are taking ZYtiga as an initial treatment or in response to PSA rising after other treatments. The stampede trial using the ZYtiga treatment as frontline has published some results but it is my understanding that many of the men are still having successful treatment without developing resistance. 👍
I have been on Zytiga for 20 months, the first 2 months got me down to 5.8 and 2.8. Since then monthly readings between 0.03 and 0.05, mainly 0.03. Original PSA was 200 so am very happy, nil side effects.
I’ve been on Zytiga since July 2015 and continue to tolerate it and Prednisone well. My PSA was 11 when I started and it’s now 30 so I expect to switch to Xtandi fairly soon. I prefer to stay the course until it’s clear that I need to switch. After Xtandi, I expect the next treatment will be chemo, and I’m in no hurry to get there. I was diagnosed in early 2006 and have had surgery, radiation and Provenge. Best wishes & good luck.
Your story sounds similar to my dads. Do you have mets? He just finished provenge and is now starting zytiga
Sounds pretty much like my brother treatment. He just finished his Provenge rx. And will start zytiga soon along with Lupron shots which he has been on for Yrs. I really have my doubts about the Provenge and I hope they are doubts and it wks. The cost was almost triple what the dr. Said was very disappointed that he was so far off base and had no clue we were in a back storage rm. At a Red Cross building receiving this 274,500 rx. With no backup generator just in case electric went down. Best of luck to u, such a shame people have to go thru all this.
I think you’re referring to me, I’ve been on Zytiga for 6 years and 5 months.
The problem with finding longer than that is I was one of the first to join the Stampede trial, where the drug was given at diagnosis. Prior to that it was an end of life drug, given when all else had failed. Consequently it’s effectiveness then was on average about 16 months. That has all changed with this drug trial, where it’s prescribed at dx.
My concerns at the trial start were the long term effects, which were unknown given the short time men were taking it. There were concerns about liver function, so I have had blood tests every 4 weeks for the last 6 years. Only recently they have changed it to every 2 months. Generallym health has been excellent, I think the most side effects were from the daily 5mg Prednisone. There is one side effect (which doesn’t affect everyone) that is muscle wastage. I’ve lost all the strength in my legs, and some in my arms. Mind you, I had large tumours in both femurs, so those combined with the muscle wastage have left me disabled. Although a nuisance, it’s no problem, and no big deal. I still work a little and enjoy life to the full. I just can’t walk unaided, or for a short distance.
I posted a three year study diagram last week, which I got last year, on a Facebook Prostate Cancer Awareness and support forum. Even at that early stage it showed around a 100% improvement in survival rates.
Good luck with your journey, the longer you live, the longer you’ll live.
if zytiga is working why the large tumors in your legs
You misunderstood, or perhaps I didn't make myself clear.
At diagnosis, I had seven large Mets, two of which were in my femurs. They were quite painful and have left lesions where they were/are. They are not 'Active' at the moment, however i have the sensation of being able to feel my bones, and they are uncomfortable if its really cold, or if I stress them too much. Hope that clarifies it.
TommyTV are you on Zytiga (+ prednisone) only, or these thing AND ADT of some kind?
My med onc started me on Firmagon + Z + p but then when my PSA dropped from 73 to 5.7 to 1.5, and my T was undetectable, he stopped the Firmagon. I am trying to figure out if that is OK with me or not. STAMPEDE and LATITUDE used ADT + Z + p and ADT might help block action of any T that eventually gets made as the Z loses effectiveness. I'm asking around to see if my concerns are warranted. Thanks for any info! Doug
(I have about 15-20 bony mets, many relatively small. They were detected using a PSMA-PET scan at NIH in July)
I’ve been on Zoladex as well from dx. My PSA at dx was 571, it dropped to immeasurable within 12 weeks.
Within 2 weeks of dx, I was asked to join the Stampede trial arm G, which Is Zoladex every three months, Zytiga 1000mg and Prednisone 5mg. This has worked remarkably well for me. No diet changes, no additional therapies. I’ve just passed my 7 year anniversary.
I enjoy alcohol twice a week, but I’ve been on a diet of sorts to keep my weight down, just eating a good mixed diet including red meat, but no fish (I’m highly allergic to it).
Life’s good, apart from the disability due to muscle loss, but it’s a small price to pay😁
Hello and welcome to this awesome group of fighters. In my fight my Doctor has put me on Zytiga,Prednisone,and ELIGARD. My Gleason score at 8&9 across the board with bone mets and lymph node. My PSA was 14 when I started the meds Feb 27th and last week my blood tests showed my PSA was 0.1 almost undetectable. I have some bone pain in the pelvis and take Xgeva shots once a month for that,other than that I feel better then I have in years. I hope this information is helpful and know that you have joined a great support group with a wealth of information. I wish you the best. Brother in arms Leo
my husband was on Casodex for 5 years before Zytiga hit the market. the Casodex failed and his PSA skyrocketed into the 900s over the course of one summer. Zytiga brought it down to 30 for six years as it slowly crept up around 130. Xtandi kept it there for two more years before failing. he was a Gleason 10 at diagnosis...with mets to the ribcage at that time.
The length of time for the effectiveness of Zytiga may depend. If it is the first ADT drug you have taken you might expect up to several years. If it is the second or third drug, it may only be effective for 2 or 3 years. Each ADT drug is effective for a shorter duration. This is a generalized statement as each patient is unique.
My dad has been on it since Jan. Down to 2.5 from 14 plus - does get a lot of UTI and infections. Not sure if it’s the prednisone or Zytiga weakening immune system. Or just the fact he has cancer through his body and bones.
I have been on zytiga for 9 months ( almost the start of diagnosis ). I had an initial psa of 352 which dropped to <0.1 before 8 weeks. I switched to the generic at the beginning of April and my psa results were 0.1 and 0.2 in May and June ? Coincidence? Maybe. But I think I’ll try switching back to brand to see. I was sure hoping for a longer duration especially since I had such a drastic initial response.
When first diagnosed 4 years ago, I had a Gleason of 9 and PSA over 400. After max radiation and continuing Lupron, started abiraterone January 2018. Had some not good reactions to prednisone, so now they're giving me hydrocortisone. PSA dropped steadily; now is at 0.09. (Yippee!) I've had some mild side effects, like fatigue and leg swelling, but nothing major. My oncologist tells me he has had patients going for 3 years on Zytiga. That's about all I can tell you, except good luck and best wishes to all of us!
I've been on Zytiga 7 years with very few side effects other than the need to sleep 9-10 hours per night. Gleason 9,Had mets on 3 ribs, PSA originally high 20s with very short doubling time,Prostatectomy 2009, two subsequent failures with other regimes (Lupron,Casodex), Radiation 2011, started Zytiga 2012 - PSA to under .01 where it remains to this day, Testosterone under1.
Physical activity (walking, yardwork,golf etc) 3+ hours a day. Have lost some muscle but general health has been good.