I’m 53 years old. In November of 2015 had my first Psa test since I was 50. Psa came back 34.7 went straight to oncologist had my prostate removed in February of 2016. It was found in 2 lymph nodes also. Started on Lupron In August of 2016 started radiation still on Lupron but now am experiencing sever pain. Nothing has showed on any scans as of yet but my pain levels can be very sever at times. In the last month I have lost 22 pounds due to sickness. Have more scans scheduled April 23 2018. Some days I can not get out and move due to the severity of the pain. The pain is in my SI joint, left goin muscle, and sometimes testicular pain. So far the are telling me it’s referred pain but it is so intense
New to this site: I’m 53 years old. In... - Advanced Prostate...
New to this site

Sorry you’re in pain. You should consider asking your doctor to hook you up with a palliative care doc or nurse. It has made a difference for me while treatment continues.
Hey Mr Wright, you ve got to rid that pain. Whatever it takes. It can get better.. I understand the area that you’re having these pains.. some brutal ships sailing on that sea.. I’m not into narcotics but when in Rome, do anything to beat the pain. Hopefully things lessen and abate with recovery after treatments. Just get through this terrible faze. Peace & God Bless you ...
YostConner’s advice is very good (as always). I’m sure you can get help for the pain from a professional who specializes in pain management.
This may be a dumb idea, but I’m also wondering if you have had a PET scan rather than just a typical CT and bone scan. Perhaps the greater resolution test might help indicate if there are any other early mets. (Or give you please of mind that it’s not the cancer spreading.) If you have not had a PET Scan yet, perhaps more knowledgeable warriors on our site can suggest if that’s a good idea.
Best of luck in finding pain-free peace very soon! We are pulling for you - and praying for you!
I have a CT scan, Nuclear Scan and a pain management appt on the 23 rd of this Month. I live in Ohio and receive treatment at the Cancer Center of America in Chicago. This weekend the pain has started its intensity again I’ve been on Tramadol for the past 2 months with no relief
Get something stronger. That pain is bull@@@@.
This isn't going to make you feel better but my husbands CT scans failed to show the cancer on his hip until the cancer broke his hip. I hope it isn't cancer but definitely do what you can for the pain. If Ohio allows medical cannabis, I have friends who say it helps incredibly with the pain and is less constipating than oxycodone.
I am sure you are trying the over the counter stuff.. Other additions... I will have my honey take Bosmeric-SR in addition to Tylenol and Advil. Since it is curcumin you do not need to worry about over dosing. The other thing my husband uses for pain is the SOTA Magnetic Pulser.. sota.com or you can buy one on Amazon. He will cycle it a couple of times It runs for 25 minutes each cycle.. then it turns off. If you have metal implants you might want to be careful about the Magnetic Pulser..
Remember the old fashioned remedies like a heating pad or a hot Epson salts bath.
Tons of hugs and prayers. I hope you feel better soon!
I’m using heating pad and doing 5 -6 baths daily just because I do get 10 minutes or so of relief . Cannabis just became legal but no dispensary yet. Will check on the pulsed thank you
Whoa dude! No bueno....hope you can flip this around somehow. You can’t live in that kind of pain forever, it zaps your very existence.. you might need something much stronger ...Get help from the drs.. insist....pain is the enemy of healing.

Agreed. Called Chicago this am. They had us call family doctor again have an appt at 2:40 today.