Hello everyone. This is my first post and I am writing it as I wait to be discharged from the hospital. My Gleason was 3+4 and my PSA is about 37. My first bone scan was negative for any obvious cancer. I have a very experienced onocologist who recommended 25 VMAT IMRT and 2 HDR brachytherapies. They are being done simultaneously because of insurance reasons. I had my first HDR yesterday hence why I am waiting to be discharged. I had another ebeam this morning while waiting and after that I pied a lot of blood.. interested as I had no blood before the treatment so I guess that shows that although you feel nothing during the 5 minute treatment it is cooking your insides. My second urine pass was much less blood but they will not discharge me until there is no blood. I think I am going to be fine. I have maintained a good attitude from the beginning. I have also been very active and healthy my whole life. Triathlete in my youth and now an avid cyclist and swimmer. It helps to be healthy of course but not aragant as cancer does not care how healthy you are. For those of you looking for alternative treatments I have tried a few and your welcome to ask me about them. If your looking to be treated in Thailand because of cost or different treatments then offered in your home country I can give you information about that to.
Advanced localized PC: Hello everyone... - Advanced Prostate...
Advanced localized PC

You peed blood because of the 15 or so catheters that they impaled your prostate with. Later, as tissue sloughs off, you may see a little blood in urine or toilet tissue occasionally. Nothing to be worried about (unless you are hemorrhaging).
Thank you Allen btw, how tall are you? Yes you are correct as the doctor said about the same thing. I want to drive home but the doctor will not discharge me until I can pee clear so we are stuck at the hospital for now..🐮
Hope you get out soon
Drink plenty of water, and then more water until you have the urge to suck a fish.
Good Luck and Good Health.
j-o-h-n Saturday 03/10/2018 8:26 PM EST
Well by the end of the day Friday they stopped being concerned about the blood in my urine and discharged me anyway.. It has now been 3 days since my HDR brachytherapy and there is still blood in my urine but it appears to be less then before so I am starting feel better about it. And yes I have been drinking plenty of water. I skip my ebeam session on Saturday as I was just to tired to drive the two hours back to the hospital but will go back on Monday. I will have 4 ebeam treatments this week with the second HDR brachytherapy on Friday. The after effects of the brachytherapy was a little more then I expected. I am much more tired then normal, blood in my urine, and soreness in my perineum but again feeling better today.
Thanks for the encouragements
I have 2 more ebeam treatments today and tomorrow then I will be done.. then it will be a waiting game to see if my PSA returns to normal. The only side effects have been frequent urination that hurt like a burning feeling right after and fatigue but I have kept cycling, swimming, and hiking through the 6 weeks of treatments. I am so looking forward not going back to the radiation center which is a two hour drive from my house. Anyone know how long it takes to get back to normal after the ebeam treatments?