Hello all, my dad's case is unfortunately not reponsing well to ADT (Casodex and Zoladex) and protocol will be changed to Chemo (Taxotere and prednisone) while keeping Zoladex injections every three months. Any experiences with Taxotere? I am quite nervous about the side effects and whether they will be tolerable thank u for your continious support!
Castrate-resistant medication options? - Advanced Prostate...
Castrate-resistant medication options?

How old is your Dad, and in what general Health. Will he be getting dexamethasone day before day of and day after? I did 12 cycles last year, and posted after every cycle. It is important to watch him closely during first 15 minutes of docetaxol infusion as if he has a alergic reation it will be then, I did have a alergic reaction, flushed face, increased respiration. They stopped infusion, gave me benedryl and continued. I iced fingers and toes to try to prevent nueropathy and sucked on ice cubes to preserve taste. It is good to have a over the counter laxative on hand at home, as chemo can cause constipation. All in all was not nearly as bad as I had thought, and that is what many on this list said after doing it. We are all here for you if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you for taking the time to comfort me! God bless
I did Taxotere nearly three years ago in my mid 60's and cruised through it. I continued with my daily routine which included daily exercise, etc, Never once puked, lost my appetite, etc. One thing that did happen was my white blood tanked along with my ANC count. They put me on weekly blood tests and ended up putting me on Neulasta. It's a walk in the park with great results. It did help take my psa from 850 to 0.07 which made me dance like Fred Astaire with Ginger Rodgers on my arm.
Singing in the rain... You’re one tuff hombre..I had not heard about Silat for 40 years. Saw some videos world wide. Not sparring but directly disabling your opponent.. a real combat sport with deadly intent. We should Attack APC In Silat style..
Thank you BBruce, I hope he will endure the side effects well🙏
Good Morning NG17,
I just completed 6 cycles of Docetaxel/Carboplatin chemo combo. Please see bio for treatment history.
Docetaxel can cause peripheral neuropathy as someone has mentioned. My Med Onc suggested daily oral 100mg B6 to mitigate neuropathy and I iced my hands and feet for each infusion.
I also took Wisconsin American ginseng to moderate fatigue. Google Mayo Clinic and ginseng for their trial.
Does your Dad have a port? I did and it makes infusions much easier.
I left each session with an On Body Injector of Neulasta. It boosts the white blood cells which can take a beating from chemo.
I also used all Biotene products for mouth/teeth care. His mouth may get sore.
Best wishes. Never Give In.
Mark, Atlanta
Hi Mark,
Did u keep hands and feet in ice for the entire 1 hr duration of infusion? Or otherwise intermittantly during session?
Your advice are highly appreciated. Can't thank you enough
One more question pls: what is the wisconsin american ginseng u used exactly? Tea ? Tablets? Or else? I don't live in the USA and i will order them on Amazon so pls let me know what they are.
Hi NG17,
I iced my hands and feet for the entire hour of Docetaxel. We used 4 plastic boxes that my wife used to store shoes and protected my hands and feet with light nylon mittens and booties. Filled boxes with ice, plastic freezer blocks, and water.
The Wisconsin American ginseng is capsules sold by a co-op in Wisconsin. Mayo Clinic trial indicated the daily dosage.
Mark, Atlanta
Hoping for the best for you on chemo. I did 6 cycles of Taxotere last year. It wasn't that bad. I had about 5 days per cycle where I didn't get out of my chair much. But no vomiting or loss of appetite. I tried to do some exercise every day, even the difficult days. It really helped so I would recommend it. I took prednisone 10mg per day with my chemo as per the STAMPEDE protocol which my doctor wanted to follow. I found I could stop the Prednisone after 10 days. It made a big difference in minimizing the side effects. I tried one cycle only using it for a few days just to see and it was much more difficult. So after that, I used it for the first 10 days of each cycle.
Also make sure to drink plenty of water.
The last 2 cycles I was getting some fluid retention so I made sure to elevate my legs as much as possible and also put something under my mattress so my feet would be slightly elevated while I slept. That helped a lot.
Good luck and keep us posted.
Hi - Had my first chemo last week (TAXOTERE) and had just mild fatigue. Age 70. Have not had to use pills Onc gave me for possible nausea. Onc wants me to keep getting chemo every 3 weeks, unless future scans show no reduction in mets, or lower PSA (540 now).....he would also stop chemo if I developed really bad side effects. If I do have to eventually stop chemo, probably for one of those reasons in 6-12 months, there are other drugs out there, or a clinical trial...so I am staying positive and productive....still working, and still hoping to play golf when the snow melts in the Spring....Ron in CT (Had CYBERKNIFE radiation in 2008).
After fourteen years diagnosed with Stage 4 PCa and an early aggressive six month trial of Taxotere, Adrimyacin, Keto, Predisone, Lupton, etc protocols, I am enjoying undetectable PSA's. I stopped a Lupron 8 years ago and supplement testosterone at 4 mg twice a week. I am a firm proponent to tackle this disease while your body is strong and the tumor burden is minimal. Do not fear chemo.
Gourd Dancer