I have had both Lupron and Eligard but it seemed to me that the Eligard affected my disposition more that Lupron. I stayed depressed worse on it. Anyone else have the same effect?
Lupron vs Eligard: I have had both... - Advanced Prostate...
Lupron vs Eligard

Not really. Trelstar and Lupron, severe ass cheek pain. Eligard, injection sight pain. Either way, I was going to feel like shit. Almost eight years now. I hope you can work through the issues your having. One other thing, do you know why the change was made? I was switched arbitrarily myself.
I first had Lupron in conjunction with radiation treatment about 10 years ago, now insurance wants to use Eligard because it is cheaper. I seemed to have more adverse effects with Eligard, but it was 10 years later. Have been battling this disease for about 15 years. Have to go back on one of them. Have been doing intermittent therapy for quality of life issues. trying to figure out if depression issues are worse with Eligard.
Ask your primary for something for depression. Something not too heavy, it may help. I take Cymbalta, one a day. I had tension, depression headaches, and my doc picked right up on it. I feel a whole lot better.
I'm going on eight years, and haven't had any different side effects of any ADT I've taken. There's a lot there I'd like to talk about, but I have Liam here, my best friend. Almost five, he is.
Did you ever have Trelstar?
I started on Lupron, had 2 injections before switching to Eligard. I'm getting my second injection of Eligard next week. I can't say I notice any difference in side effects. I have not been depressed on either. But in general having cancer can be depressing, regardless of the treatment.
Lupron is a pain in the ass so to say (although all of it is a pain in the ass really).
The pain from the Lupron shot is less initially, but lasts several days. Eligard burns like hell going in, but the pain from that drops off fairly quickly. So which is better? I'd say it's a tie.
As far as I know, both are equally effective. In that case I support using the less expensive one to put pressure on drug manufacturer's to get real about pricing.

A lot has to do with the person doing the injection, and how it's given. Some doc's or nurses give it way too fast, and that kills your ass for a week.
But, I think it has more to do with the quantity, and the consistency. Eligard is a small amount of thick goo, while Lupron is a much larger amount and very much like water. So the watery stuff spreads through the butt cheek, and hurts the most. The little goo, if administered correctly, aka slowly, is a better option, just a site pain.
all these drugs pull me down but cassadex really did it to me to the point i would cry uncontrollably
Glad I haven’t done that one.
My "Cancer Center" buys Lupron or Eligard in batches of large number of injections for several months supply. They get the best price which saves them money. So now they are using Eligard for about a year now. The drugs are very similar but not exactly the same. I did not find any new side effects when changed from Lupron to Eligard.
Sure... I have! Suffered depression and bad mood swings greatly enhanced and drivin by Adt and it’s effects. I also did firmagon and still doing a test drug Tak -700 they all have the same side effects. Switch back to Lupron , if it’s better for you. We have one crazy chemical project going on inside of us. If we re lucky enough to live for awhile I’d bet that we will add other drugs to our repitoire..something to look forward to.