Due to shortage of Lupron, my MO switched from 3 month Lupron to 3 month Eligard. It was given on 9-8-20 in the fatty part of the arm and I developed a lump shortly after the size of a kidney bean under the skin at the application point. It hasn't gone away even with nurse's recommendation that I should apply heat to the region. Any thoughts?
Lupron to Eligard switch: Due to... - Advanced Prostate...
Lupron to Eligard switch

Sounds familiar, I had the exact same thing happen earlier this year including the switch to Eligard. The bump stayed there for months, both arms. The last few shots have been in the stomach, hurts more and also leaves a swollen bump and bruise. The good thing is they seem to absorb over time so you will be fine.
It will go away. Don’t worry about it
Lupron and Eligard are the same drug, just a different slow release compound.. I get the 6 month version administered in the belly fat and it's unnoticeable.. As the slow-release compound dissolves, the lump will disappear..
Conceivably, some of these problems might arise because nurses/technicians used to Lupron are not used to Eligard. For example, unlike Lupron, Eligard requires active Leuprolide + solvent mixing by the nurse/technician before injection. Perhaps inadequate mixing results in a lump at the injection site.
See Eligard injection instruction video, which is one of the responses to:
I get eligard shot every six months in the arm. They instructed me to massage the area after the shot to prevent lump. So far that advice has worked well, no lumps.
It will take 30 days or more for it to go down, they give me mine in the belly every 30 days now for the last 3 years. Just takes time for it to dissolve
I asked my doc at Kaiser about the Lupron shortage, but they had none, I got my 4 month injection. They did switch from the butt to the thigh. I only ever had slight butt pain, but the thigh was painful to walk for a few days, and more of a pain in the ass😂
I took Eligard for four years before switching to Lupron because of a new physician in Florida. I always had the kidney bean Sized lump. It dissolves slowly as it is intended to do. Don’t pay any attention to it. I have now been on Lupron for four years. I am still not resistant.
It is the same drug - different name - Eligard is the 'Canadian' version of Lupron.
A lump after 3 month injection ? YES - it's like they inserted a timed released capsule within.
It should clear after a reasonable period of time - if it doesn't -then you should talk to your doctor(s) about it ...
Wishing you the best .....
Mayo in Phoenix ran out of Lupron and gave me Eligard last week. What no one mentioned is the burn. The nurse didn’t warn me until after it was in my arm but right then it started burning pretty bad. She said it would stop by the time I get out the door and she was right but that was a big difference from Lupron. Lupron never burned it all
Had the same problem on my first shot. Nurse jammed it in and I thought she was using a blowtorch. After that I requested a slooow injection and felt no burning on the next 7. Got my next on Wednesday and will make sure to coach the nurse before. They love that !!!
Wondering about switch to daily pill - relugolix (Orgovyx) to replace the shot and eliminate trip in for the shot. Any comments ??
I’ve been on Eligard for five years and I’m currently on a three month shot. The lump remains there where they give the shot in my belly. It will dissipate over time. I use an ice pack in that area prior to the shot to help cut down on the pain.
Went through this switch in May 2020, injection in left hip. Noticed bump for a few weeks but eventually it vanished. It was a six-month injection.
Oh to get any kind of lump that I can show my wife now.... would be heaven....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Monday 09/21/2020 10:51 PM DST
Just had my 6th Eligard shot in the stomach, I complained to my MO that he left bruising and it was very sore for a week. So he suggested that I hold my finger on the injection area when he withdrew the needle then he put a small round bandage on it. BINGO no bruising no lump and minimal soreness. hope this will help.
I just had my fifth injection and it was Eligard. I felt a definite burning which I did not get before but no residual dull pain at the injection site to keep me up tonite like on Lupron. They also said in the upper ass was OK same as lupron and they didn't even put a bandaid on it this time. In a nutshell Eligard so far has been better than Lupron for me so far.
I've had three Eligard shots. The first two left a small lump under the skin in the belly fat which are almost gone now. The third was given by a nurse who was reading the instructions out loud which said ' after emptying the syringe💉, lightly press and flatten the lump until smooth'. Bingo! So, make sure the nurse, or you, flattens the lump when you get the next Eligard shot, cheers, 😎DD
I had my first eligard 3 weeks ago. Prior I was on Lupron for 3 years plus. The side affects have been noticeable with fatigue and being irritable. Something I never had with Lupron. (Perhaps my body was used to it). My motivation to even walk the dog is just not there and that’s not my style. I have overreacted a few times also to situations again not like me and stomach issues also. Apart from that I’m doing great. 😎😂