Hello I was wondering if anyone has been on xofigo and if so how did it work for you? My dads next step is to try that he has bone Mets and has a lot of pain. Anyone’s thoughts? He is still doing xgeva and Lupron injections.
Xofigo: Hello I was wondering if anyone... - Advanced Prostate...

I just had my second injection. After my first injection, my main complaint was vomiting, meals could not get passed my stomach, otherwise, it was pretty tolerable. At my second injection, the same adverse events are lurking around, but i can honestly say it has been so much more less intense. Maybe the body tolerates more and more the radium, like it does with other medication. I have seen a decrease in my bone pain after my second injection so I do believe it's a great drug to reduce bone pain. This is unfortunately my last injection because they found new metastasis in lungs and liver which needs to be treated by other agents which radium cannot reach. Best to you and keep us posted
(If I may Yost, YostConner is also on Xofigo, and started recently before me, and you can check his thread about this very subject)
So sorry to hear about the new mets in your lungs and liver. Perhaps you can start another Post (so we don't hijack this thread any further) and share your feelings about that new development, and bounce some ideas around about possible "next step" treatment options. Jevtana? Some other chemo agent? A clinical trial?
I completed my 6 shots in October. Absolutely no side effects. I am on Lupron, Zytiga and Xgeva. Bone scan showed no new activity, but oncologist says it takes a while to clear up Mets. I never had any pain from Mets only from hip that will be replaced in December, a Christmas present to me. Good wishes to your Dad
My experience through the first two shots have been similar to StephanB’s. I’ve had nausea, some vomiting, diarrhea and fatigue. Known Mets have become less painful. I have a new pain I need to have checked out. Good luck to your dad! Reactions vary, as George79’s post suggest. I hope your dad has only mild or no side effects.
I start Xofigo monthly injections next week. I will post an update soon.My doctor is very encouraging & optimistic about this drug-I am a bit mixed, but hopeful.
I wish you the best. Please post your experience if and when you are up to it.
Take care & God Bless