On 8th round of Docetoxel and Cisplatin, see profile for full background details, including all the chemo symptons. Onc has agreed to extend infusion cycle to four weeks from 3 weeks in the hope I get some improved QoL. Especially since my PSA has leveled out at 0.44. Told to no longer use PSA as indicator of disease progression, though for me, it has been very consistent, but never very high, even when doubling time (PSAADT) had dropped to 3 weeks. Still only getting 3-4 good days out of 21. Have decided not to go beyond ten cycles, Research shows no survival benefit after ten cycles, probably not 8 or 9, but no one saying, plus was not studied. Search for this article: "Determine of the optimal number of cycles of docetaxel in the treatment of metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer"; published in The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences Sep 2016 issue.
Update on 8th round of chemo - Advanced Prostate...
Update on 8th round of chemo

Congratulations on the great PSA! Hope the shift to every 4 weeks helps your quality of life! We are all pulling for you!😊
I just had my 14th infusion of Docetaxel and Carboplatin. My PSA is 0.38 going down slowly. I will continue on the 3 week cycle for a while. Wish you well going to 4 week cycle and if you go off.
Great news! My Med Onc says that risk of neuropathy goes up with more cycles of chemo, so you may want to ice hands and feet during infusions.
Best wishes. Never Give In.
PSA was still in the teens(from 840) after 6 Taxotere sessions and MedOnc said he would continue chemos until I plateaued or asked to stop. I did 9 more and got down to 0.7. started Metformin and Lipitor and other OTC supplements, changed diet(whole grains, no red meat, fruits/veggies, fish twice/week) stayed fit and now PSA at 0.1
Best to you guys - Randy
Update on 8th Chemo round: after two weeks, side effects changed markedly, edema in both legs, difficult to walk due to swollen right ankle, started Lasix, which helped some. Stomach and intestinal biome has changed, never hungry any more, insomnia, plus nausea and dry heaves (ginger). Fatigue has also increased, had to stop driving. At 5th week, fatigue dropped off some, other side effects remain. Still not driving.
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