Dodged a bullet on cranial spots but the .6cm spots in 2 nodes shrunk to .4cm after 2 three month Lupron shots. Rad Onc showed me one node close to the rectum and did not want to do Proton Beam which was my preferred treatment. Now I meet with a Med Onc to discuss other options. I was told it could be Lupron + Zytiga, then surgery, then radiation. What say ye? Immunotherapy? Overwhelmed.
where to now with intraductal lymph n... - Advanced Prostate...
where to now with intraductal lymph node involvement?
I am no doctor but I have ductal so I am right with you brother. I am OK right now (just four months since RP), but if things go awry I am not sure how I will react. You are overwhelmed? You should be. Should you go to bed tonight and wake up with resolve you will fight another day? I think so.
All the best,
Thanks for the inspiration.
Hi Chucko, I'm sorry to hear about what you are going through. I recently had a 68Ga-PSMA-PET/CT scan performed in Melbourne, AU ($600 US, 77% less than in America) which identified three lesions in LN's along my sacral vertebrae. My urologist/oncologist at UCI is going to perform robotic surgery next month to remove them and any others that he doesn't like the looks of. Will keep you apprised of progress or lack of. My best to you, Ron
Pick a primary treatment and follow through with adjunctive chemotherapy. There have been successful trials in the United States. You have metastatic Prostate Cancer. Kick the bastard while your body is strong and the tumor burden low. I am not a physician, only a survival. Good luck your your DE's vision and treatment.
Gourd Dancer
I had several nodes in pelvic and abdominal area that were cancerous as well as a tumor on prostate pushing against my bladder. I was placed on ADT immediately then did 6 rounds of chemo. It shrank the tumor significantly and did some serious damage to cancer in the nodes. 5 months later I had an open prostotatecomy with extended lymphadenectomy with the thought in mind to only debulk the disease. To my surprise all of the 42 nodes taken tested negative except 1 and the rest were actually scar tissue from where cancer was. My original PSA was 286 and Gleason 9. I am currently undetectable and scans showing no signs of disease.
There are no guarantees any treatment in any specific order will help anyone. Chemo up front worked very well for my situation. I recommend surgery before the radiation. Keep the radiation card in your pocket if its needed later. Its possible you may not need it. However you choose to walk the path, hit it with everything your body can stand. If your doctor is not willing to remove nodes outside of the pelvic area find one that will. If its just not a possibility the chemo might do its work too. Never give up hope, I was told I was inoperable by several before Mayo said they thought I would benefit. Blaze your own path my friend.
Thanks Nalakrats, you have inspired me greatly. I needed it to water my soul. Pray on!