I have read that some men have been cured from earlier posts that I have read. Currently I have been on abiraterone and Lupron for 21 months. I only had one docetaxel, before catching pneumonia, so chemo was halted by my oncologist, stating the chemo would kill me before the cancer.
The one chemo and abiraterone and Lupron shrunk the lymph nodes by 75 percent over time. The lymph nodes affected are a distal left iliac measuring about 1 cm, left pelvic sidewall 2 by 1 cm, another left pelvic sidewall 1.5 by 1 cm, and a para aortic lymph node 0.7 cm. I did have a pelvic lesion but it is now considered to be treated.
In talking with a radiation dosimeter specialist from a state medical university center, he said they irradiate lymph nodes all the time, takes four to six weeks of treatment.
I would like to know from those who have been cured if there is a possibility for a case like mine to have a plan of care that would involve irradiation of the lymph nodes and prostate surgery or proton radiation. When I approached my oncologist last with this idea, my understanding was that it couldn't be done due to my cancer being high volume. I hope something has changed due to the bone being "treated". I got to tell you there are days like today for example, I just go into total exhaustion early from doing the simplest thing like patching some stucco trim in the heat.
Thank you