Hallo to everybody. I’ve just started my second line chemo (cabazitaxel) because of PSA rising and progression of bone metastasis. I’ve been diagnosed in march 2016, because of severe pelvis pain, gleason 9. I started immediately with triptorelin and first line chemo (docetaxel), the last on august 2016. After cabazitaxel remain xtandi and/or zytiga. I’ve een told that immunotherapy isn’t an option for prostate cancer, yet. I’m always looking for something to add to standard therapies. I’ve been to a phytotherapist, to a Integrated medicine physician and I’ve read a lot on internet, even on this forum, but still I have no idea of what’s really effective, if anything is, and what not interacts with chemo. Green tea, curcumin, cruciferous, resveratrol, C vitamin, mushrooms, pomegranate, melatonin, artemisin, metformin … fasting during chemio. Compounds like zyflamend, wobenzym or Pomi T (I’m taking the last one). What are your views on this, during or not chemotherapy.
Thanks, Enzo