My husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer METS to the bones over 3 years ago PSA 100 Gleason 9
I do all the reading
We were castrate resistant in a year
We stopped the Lucrin and opted for an orchidectomy
We have been taking lots of supplements .. we had radiation to the spine for an intrusion 1 year ago
His PSA wants to double every month ..and with the supplements we kind of dragged our feet
we could stop it for about 70 %
His PSA last month was 2500 ..the oncologist scared him and we have decided to take Xtandi ..We thought of taking it for about 10 weeks ???
Now my question is ...does anybody on this site knows which supplements can be safely taken with Xtandi ..so we maximise the benefits without compromising the drug ?
I just joined and wanted to post the question straight away as we get the script tomorrow ..I will find some time later today to read through lots of your posts ..I am sure I will learn much
PS We had stable disease for 6 months withProstay ( a day ( vit C and K 3 )