I received my diagnosis in Feb.2016, after my PSA levels rose slightly from my baseline during an annual physical exam.
my current status is as follows....
white male, 56 years of age
165lbs..good to slightly above average physical condition and health
No family history of any type of cancer
T1c,NO,MO,G3 (3+4=7)
stage II
No physical symptoms , normal rectal exams, normal DRE, urologist even commented that because my prostate was "smaller" than usual, he only took 10 samples instead of 12 when the biopsy was done.
Classified as "intermediate" risk....urologist suggested open nerve-sparing radical prostatectomy, which is what I've decided to go ahead with.
Surgery is scheduled for April 11, 2016...
I have to say, I was more anxious about missing work (4-6 weeks recovery) as I am self employed..than I was about the actual surgery...until I started reading up on prostate cancer.
I've already shared my circumstances with several friends, and have convinced them to get themselves screened ...and will continue to do so, regardless of my particular outcome.
I'm sure I'm not alone, or the first man with PC, to feel this way, but, will be one more "solder", in the army of men with PC, determined not to see men we both know now, and men we don't know yet, be made aware of just how important it is to get screened, and catch PC early....not to be that hard headed , typical male, too proud or embarrassed, to go through the screening processes, just because we hate going to a doctor, or talking about PC and some of the probable side effects of treatment...
We like to think we are safe in our little bubbles, that things like cancer don't happen to us, and since we "feel" fine..."if it's not broke, don't fix it"...typical male mentality....and I'll be the first to say..."guilty as charged"....but it has to change...I have to change...and if I can convince even just one of my friends, or anyone else for that matter, to catch it early, well who knows...maybe I save a life or two, it'll be worth it....
So, I will keep you all here posted on my surgical progress, how it goes, the recovery, and then the results, as they become available to share...because sharing is therapy...and as physically fit as I am, physiologically, I'm not the "superman" I thought I was, I'd be lying if I said the diagnosis hasn't messed with my head a bit....so , here I am, sharing with all here, that care to read, and reply, to join in my journey, to share there own, to help us, help each other...after all, isn't that what humanity is , or should be all about?
Regards an appreciation in advance to you all...