Hello! Does anyone recommend any ADD coaches/therapists online?
Adult ADD coach/therapist: Hello! Does... - CHADD's Adult ADH...
Adult ADD coach/therapist

Hi, Rikkib,
Thank you for contact CHADD National Resource Center on ADHD. At CHADD, we have a professional directory where you can likely find someone to work with. chadd.org/professional-dire... Here is more information about ADHD coaching: chadd.org/about-adhd/coaching/ You can also search with ADHD Coaches Organization: adhdcoaches.org/ or iactcenter.com/ If you need anything else, please feel free to reach out.
Health Information Specialist
CHADD's National Resource Center on ADHD
I wish I could help you more. I'm actually searching for a great coach myself, but for now, all I’ve got is chatgpt! I'm definitely going to be following this thread.
Hi, Cocacola2,
Here are some resources that can help you find an ADHD coach: chadd.org/professional-dire...
If there is anything else you need, please let me know.
Health Information Specialist
CHADD's National Resource Center on ADHD
Hello RikkiB,PsychologyToday.com has search criteria to narrow to ADHD specific.
CHADD or ADDITUDEMAG.COM have lists of coaches also.
Full disclosure I am on both those coach lists and am happy to answer any questions.
Good luck in the search,