My son is now 14 years old. He has been diagnosed with adhd, odd and anxiety disorder. Has autistic tendencies. This has been an extremely rough year. He is such a sweet and kind kid and always tries to do the right thing, but is drawn towards chaos and bad kids. He is a pretty respectful kid.I love him so much, but my husband and myself and my kids are constantly fighting with him anymore. He screams and yells all the time, and I mean all the time! I will ask him to do something repeatedly and he will push to not do it in any way shape or form he can. We give positive encouragement and negative consequences.
He takes clonidine and trazodone at bedtime and in the morning we just started amantadine 50mg and he is on 50 mg Vyvanse. We just recently started the amanadine again because he was picking at himself really bad, hitting himself in the face, yelling all the time along with really struggling to do his homework and needing someone to literally stand over him and give him step by step guidance. The Vyvanse has always been around 30 to 40 mg and the doctor has had him on 50 mg since the beginning of school year. After we give him the Vyvanse he is literally wired. Screaming, refusing to listen to you, making inappropriate jokes, continually touching people and just pushing people's buttons and being annoying, even with repeated redirection and positive encouragement.
I don't know if it's the Vyvanse as he has been on it since he was 6 years old and it has always worked for him. We've tried Adderall, strattera, Ritalin, focalin, Quelbree, all negative side effects.
He also it's constantly and is about 20 to 30 lb overweight. Even with the Vyvanse he just eats all the time, which I know is normal for teenagers as he is my fifth son.
I am looking for any advice. I feel mentally and emotionally drained. I worry about him constantly. Taking him off of Vyvanse he just eats and eats and last summer he gained 20 lb in one month. We have tried many gluten-free and dairy-free diets alongside of very healthy eating habits.
He has only been taking the amantadine for 2 weeks and I'm hoping for it to start working. He tried amantadine once before and made suicidal comments, but this time he is on a much lower dose in pill form and not capsule.
What medications have been successful with having adhd, odd, and anxiety disorder?