Hello, I'm helping my wife look for a an adult ADHD coach to boost her confidence, organization skills and coping mechanisms. Have read a bunch of articles and trying to find the right fit. Any guidance in terms of where to look and what to look out for?
Adult ADD Coach: Hello, I'm helping my... - CHADD's Adult ADH...
Adult ADD Coach

Hi! Unfortunately I do not have a good recommendation for an adult ADHD coach, but I am curious is your wife is taking any medications for her ADHD?
Hi thanks for your reply. Yes she is on concerta currently.
Has she felt any success with it? Concerta was life changing for me. I mean I still am very unorganized but confidence is up and I am much more productive. I definitely could see the benefits of a coach for organizational purposes 🧐
Far as organizing I would look watch clutterbug on youtube she has adhd and has like 4 different types she has a website to . And maybe listen to tony Robbins unlesh the power with in it helps with my self esteem and self love also atomic habits
Try adhdcoaches.org/find-your-c.... The organization was recommended to me by someone whom I trust.
Hi, Attitude Magazine has an ADHD directory where you can click on coaches. Chadd also has a directory. These directories are very useful along with their articles and seminars. I meet some of my clients through the directories as I’m also an ADHD Coach.
Thanks we used the resources you mentioned and reached out to couple of coaches.
Hi There,
I am an ADHD Coach, and also have ADHD myself. I can give you a few tips on finding a good coach for your wife. I recommend trying a coach out with a free coaching session before making a decision. you want to pick the relationship that works for her, since coaching is a partnership and she has to feel comfortable and safe working with the coach before the magic can happen. Feel free to reach out if I can help.

Thanks for the reply! I will DM you.
I love the website ADDITUDE, they gave a link for life coaches, hope this helps. directory.additudemag.com/l...
I have been working with ASN coach Twila Gates, RN. adhd-coach-asn.com/
Excellent coaching portal, great intake program. I would be happy to go offline with any questions. I highly recommend ASN.
Thank you. Will DM you.