I've recently been diagnosed with ADHD later in life, and I have some things I've learned to do on my own through trial and error. I still have issues with motivation and productivity (especially in the morning), even with my meds. I know what works for some won't work for others, but I'd love some new ideas. ❤️
One suggestion I got in therapy:
If you have something that you dread to do, first do a few things that are easy for you to get done. Finishing a few tasks stirs up some motivation to tackle the dreaded or harder task. That hard task can also be broken down into small steps. (Breaking it down helps me a lot.) If you can't accomplish the first step, then it's too complicated; break it down even more. My GPS, paper, and phone alarm system below is kind of an example of how I break down going to an appointment.
Some things that work for me:
🧠Brain dumping - I always have a scrap paper or notebook to write down all my thoughts and what I need to do. I get overwhelmed trying to keep several thoughts in my limited short-term memory, making me freeze and not get anything done. I'll also section my paper out with the next few days on it so I can move some things to tomorrow or the next day. I think this helps me not feel like I need to conquer the world in a day.
⏰Time - I'm super paranoid about time management! I've been late or super unprepared for so many important things that I think I started overcompensating. I have a digital watch, but I don't always wear it. If I have time-sensitive tasks in a day, I will put the watch on, and the sensation of having something on my wrist reminds me to look at my watch. I also have a digital clock in every room of my apartment.
---I also use Google Maps to figure out how long it takes me to go somewhere, and then I will break down the trip on my brain dump paper. Even if it's a place I've been to before or regularly, I will consult the GPS. This also helps by adding how bad traffic is and how much time that adds to my trip. If I have a dentist appointment at 10 a.m., I'll check how long it takes me to get there the day before and add about 10 minutes. (20 minute trip on GPS = 30 minutes) On paper, I need to be in my car at 9:30 a.m. I'll set a phone alarm to get ready 30 minutes before I need to be in my car at 9:00 a.m. 🚗
The last time I did this, I was a couple of minutes early to my appointment. (Now I have Pink Floyd stuck in my head..." ticking away the moments that make up a dull day.") This might be too much, but the process with GPS, paper, and phone alarms helps me feel more confident about appointments. If I go to a new place I've never been, I will add extra time to my trip (15 instead of 10). GPS isn't always accurate, and I'll probably still get a little lost. Even if I get there early, it's better than late, and I have time to acclimate to the environment.