Hi Everyone,
I'm a person who has suspected ADHD from my GP. She outlined a lot of ADHD symptoms which I feel has always fit my life.
I'm currently in the waitlist for an official diagnosis with a psychiatrist. However, I want to do what I can in the meantime to be able to organise and plan my life better.
My personality is that I'm very ambitious, with a lot of goals. However, I always feel overwhelemed and make flaws when planning. This could be ADHD or not. Regardless, I need external help.
An ADHD coach sounds perfect for what I'm looking for, but are far too expensive (eg. $180 per session), when I can only really afford $30-50 for one session. I'm not sure what else I could turn to, as I really need that regular feedback in order to progress further in life.
Would anyone have any idea/suggestions? Cheers.