High School Teacher needs help - CHADD's Adult ADH...

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High School Teacher needs help

ADDSufferer profile image
13 Replies

I have been a high school teacher for 27 years and have always struggled with Grading and paperwork. I was diagnosed ADD at 40, 9 years ago. I have tried so many different medications. Things have gotten worse and I just can’t seem to get started. The kids get mad when I take too long to grade their work and parents have started complaining about me. My self-esteem is non-existent and I am stressed all of the time. Teaching has gotten harder since the pandemic and I just cannot stay on top of everything.

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13 Replies

Hi. I’ve been in your situation before, and I understand. I wish I had an answer to solve this for you (me). Did anything in particular trigger this, or is an ongoing, recurring-life ganging up on you? Either way, I get it. I call it Mental Paralysis. Whatever needs to be done is practically right in front of me, but it’s like there’s an invisible Force Field that keeps me from getting to it. Also there’s the fear that if I do or attempt the project, that it won’t go right, and if it doesn’t go right, then I’ll feel worse. Which of course compounds everything!.

But when I’m in the right frame of mind (is there a better way to say this?) the chore/project is not a big deal. It’s just, ok, I’ll can do it. I make a mountain out of a mole hill, and I know it, but can’t,,,,,,, stop it/change it. And if I were able to do it, I’d feel a lot better-and other chores aren’t as bad. Until it happens again.

Sorry to here you haven’t had any luck with Rx. My Rx certainly does help at times with this, but it certainly hasn’t cured me. Knowing what the ‘Root Cause ‘ of my problem is (ADHD) has allowed me to read up and to better understand myself. But, all that being said, I still struggle.

For me, I think there’s also an emotional part of this or the Force Field. It’s hard to grasp this. Also my mind is Fogging up right now and making it tougher for me to look at (there’s a psychological aspect to this? Which is,,,,?)

Hang in there. Hopefully we’ll both figure this out.

ADDSufferer profile image
ADDSufferer in reply to FindingTheAnswers

Thank you for the kind words. This is all the time. There is nothing remotely interesting or stimulating about grading. It is the most boring thing you could ever do. My mind hates it. And doesn’t want to do it. And the more behind I get the more overwhelmed I feel which adds to the paralysis. I have so much to do and I can’t decide what I should do.

daverussell profile image
daverussell in reply to FindingTheAnswers

I'm a teacher in the UK, and awaiting an assessment. The administration is just a nightmare. I know everyone finds it difficult and puts it marking off. In particular. @FindingTheAnseer. Excellent reply. I'm awaiting diagnosis and this, and a lot more you say, sums it up perfectly for me - "Whatever needs to be done is practically right in front of me, but it’s like there’s an invisible Force Field that keeps me from getting to it."

EJ_C profile image

What do you teach high school?

ADDSufferer profile image
ADDSufferer in reply to EJ_C


EJ_C profile image
EJ_C in reply to ADDSufferer

I don't have as much teaching experience as you! So please forgive me, but I am a qualified teacher.So, somethings I did;

Self mark

I used stickers! And those highlighter stickers too to go over key bits! I taught high school too, but removed some of the brain fog.

I also stappled a marking sheet onto the page, with key questions for me;

I.e. What did you do well etc. I then wrote the answer below...

Another personal question...

When did you last take stock of how many students you impacted and made there lives better?

How many have reached their dreams because of you?

How many students have you inspired?

I know the answer. It's going to be hundreds!

Desire to inspire, educate to elevate.

The reason why I ask this, is because sometimes for me to get my self out of a hole. I need to look at what I've achieved. In an impact on others kind of way.

Though, I don't teach anymore, I deliver significant events like the Olympics and world ups as one of the Venue Managers- so I don't often see the impact. So when im in my hole, I watch those montage videos that the TV channels show at the end of the tournament as the closing credits. It then makes me go oh... I helped do this? Then I can go again.

Let's touch on meds... So how did they go?

As I always say, you have ADHD... We have super powers!!

ADDSufferer profile image
ADDSufferer in reply to EJ_C

Thank you so much!

Perhaps body doubling? Getting onto a zoom session with other people and the presence of them being there helps initiate a task... There are free ones on Facebook if that's an option.

ADDSufferer profile image
ADDSufferer in reply to Hard2ThinkofUserName

I have tried focusmate. I need to force myself to do it more

Hard2ThinkofUserName profile image
Hard2ThinkofUserName in reply to ADDSufferer

Ive been meaning to try body doubling, but I haven't tried it before, I've heard others say it can really help them.

ADDSufferer profile image
ADDSufferer in reply to Hard2ThinkofUserName

check out focusmate. It is REALLY good. Focusmate.com

Mimmy12 profile image

I am sorry that you are sufferings with this. I deal with the same problem and it leads to such a feeling of self loathing which makes it even more unbearable. just try to be kind to yourself and know that there are a lot of us with the same problem but I am sure there are parts of your that are great, too.

I am not a teacher but I do have a friend who swears by not bringing any work home with her. She stays at her desk until she finished what she needs to get done and that is a motivator for her to stay on task because she wants to go home.

One thing I know is that our ADHD brains crave novelty so maybe switch up ways you grade your papers somehow? Also you could try doing something physically active when you are feeling stuck to help you to get back to it.

Papa-bear profile image

I was a teacher for 30 years, then diagnosed with mod/severe combined when I took a sabbatical at 59. Reflecting back, I found my sweet spot, when I became a resource teacher. I was great in the classroom, able to move from student to students, read the class, etc. I would push in to classrooms on my feet all day, working with kids or teachers in different classes. We planned together, and either I delivered a model lesson or I supported the teacher. We'd collaborated on an unit together, and the classroom teacher I was supporting did all the grading! When I became an administrator sitting in meetings or working at a computer things went downhill again.

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