Hi All,
Just wanted to provide an update. I initially tried Vyvanse and noticed zombification, lowering the dose did not help. I also noticed that I felt a bit depressed as the effect wore off and when not using it I didn't feel right emotionally. I caught up with my Psychiatrist and he said that I should try methylphenidate and he specifically recommended Ritalin (10mg) - I am only taking 5mg for a start but may increase after. He did note that I could have stayed on Vyvanse for longer to see if effects would go away but he decided to change it for me to see side effects.
I have noticed that I feel much more like myself on Ritalin, improved focus, better mood, less brain fog and no noticeable side-effect. I also feel like myself, it hasn't changed my personality or anything. I just feel more switched on in general and more empathetic and better with emotional regulation. This was what I was expecting.
I didn't like how vyvanse even on 15mg gave me a sort of high and I just felt like a different person. Crash was bad in terms of emotional aspects. I guess vyvanse is just not for my biology and was too strong for me.