Skip a couple paragraphs if you dont need background info, lol. After years of people writing off adhd as a possibility and a bad last psychiatrist, I had my first appointment with a new one and it went as well as possible.
Now she prescribed me focalin (dexmethylphenidate). My last year of highschool I was on Concerta xr (methylphenidate). It helped, but took a high dose to do so, which sometimes ended up too much. I asked for the short release for this so it could be more controllable and wouldn't ruin a day if it acted weird. Starting at 2.5 twice a day, and she said I could message after 2 weeks about upping it, or if there were bad side effects.
Thus far--I'm sure I'll need to go up a dose, but I was wondering if other people have had rebound fatigue? I'm heavily on the inattentive side and have always had a limit of physical and mental energy, and having to push through to get through school burnt me out so bad.
At first I noticed nothing, then realized when it wore off, I get even fmore heavily fatigued than usual. I do think now that it's been a week or so I am having an easier time when on it though. I can't tell if the fatigue is in comparison to the med helping me more than I think i (don't think so)or vice versa (also don't think so). I also thought possibly my body and mind need exercised to get used to doing more when I'm on it. Anyone have any similar experiences to weigh in?
Also, it's been so long of barely functioning that I really think I need support to organize my life even if medication helps to the point I feel capable of such. I haven't had luck with therapists who specialize in adhd, and I've not found much use for having everything attributed to anxiety (which is usually a secondary symptom). Does anyone know of any online possibilities maybe, especially that take insurance? Otherwise if anyone has advice for this point in treatment of how to make the best of it.
Thanks so much!