ADHD and social anxiety: Hi, I recently... - CHADD's Adult ADH...

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ADHD and social anxiety

Purplepia profile image
9 Replies

Hi, I recently have identified that a reason I feel uncomfortable socially is because I feel people don’t understand my ADHD. I mean I don’t understand it either! But with problems such as light sensitivity, I often want to say something but worry people with think I’m being too sensitive or weak. Also I often get ‘are you listening?’ Or ‘what did I just say?’ When I’m trying so hard to concentrate but I have lapses of attention. I feel like by saying I have ADHD it sounds like an excuse for bad behaviour. When actually it’s just a way of explaining my brain. It’s getting to the point where I just want to run away in social situations as I feel more comfortable being with only myself, and I am struggling to eat in front of others too which is proving to be a big challenge in day to day life. I know anxiety and ADHD can be tied up (but I have mostly suffered with depression in the past and not anxiety) but I wondered if anyone has tips on how to deal with this so I don’t isolate myself from people?

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Purplepia profile image
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9 Replies
wtfadhd profile image

hey Purplepia- i giggled at somethi g you wrote-

if people are talking n we dont pay attention- its simply because ADHD brains function on interest vs importance.

so we can kinda be screwed either way bc if we say “ sorry, i have ADHD” we feel like we are making excuses. if we are completely transparent ( like society says they want- NOT) and said “ im sorry, i have a neurological issue that makes it very difficult for me to stay focussed on things that are not immediately interesting to me…”. wellll, i think we all know how that will turn out😂

as ive said on here 100x- instead of learning life hacks to pretend to be neurotypical( which will lead to anxiety, depression, frustration, etc) start developing a lifestyle( career, friends, etc) that vibes with our unique brain wiring. it takes alot of time n effort n self acceptance to do that but the rewards are 😍😍😍.

Alevaro23 profile image
Alevaro23 in reply to wtfadhd

That's really insightful, now I know why I suffer major bouts of 'procrastination'. !

lovelylavish profile image

hi purplepia, I too suffer from those same anxieties. I for instance just went out with my brother last night, he’s one of my favorite people in the world. While at dinner I found myself so fidgety when I had to listen to him talk. He’s very thoughtful and takes his time to find his words. I started to drift and it took everything I had to not blurt out or finish his sentences. It made me feel sh***y. My memory lapses are so quick firing it’s almost like every word is it’s own sentence and I have a hard time stringing them together and comprehending them. This gives me anxiety because I fear people think that I don’t care or don’t like them! It’s so not the case! It’s so easy for me to self-isolate because of these anxieties. I’ve really been trying to not though. I suffer from depression episodes as well, and I’ve noticed as hard as it is reaching out to people it is so helpful. I encourage you to continue to do that with your friends/family who care about you. Best of luck ❤️

Alevaro23 profile image
Alevaro23 in reply to lovelylavish

Hey lovelylavish,

Thank you for sharing your experience! I too struggled with those problems but what I found helpful was getting biofeedback it definitely stopped the constant 'chatting' in my head and I was able to concentrate.

ADJB profile image
ADJB in reply to lovelylavish

I know what you mean when people have a slow delivery - it can be excruciating and I have to do things like digging my fingernails into my palm to stop my mind from wondering. I want to shout out "get bloody move on"... I too experience anxiety, but this can quickly be overtaken by a tidal wave of irritation. I think this has got worse over the years - I'm now 66, diagnosed 2½ years ago - and I wonder just how I'll manage things in the future. Time will tell.

New-Diagnosis profile image

I can relate. It's hard going through life essentially having to translate between your brain and how others function, with every interaction. I've masked and (mostly) coped with no supports a lot of my life (got the official diagnosis & medications recently -- at 56! -- because I could no longer function by winging it and pushing harder. I also really don't want to live with that stress and burn-out anymore). I've dealt with depression, anxiety, and social anxiety -- still do at times.

It's been a struggle for me too, knowing when to tell people about my different processing and inattention symptoms; sometimes I'm finding being "too honest" ends up back-firing because then people can expect less of you/their default point is, oh she has a disability and they may scrutinize your work more even if they don't mean to. I'm doing more disclosure/unmasking -- selectively -- but when I do mask now it's generally consciously and by choice because it may help me professionally or socially. Fortunately, I have friends and family that I'm comfortable being 100% myself with, so I have breaks. Finding that balance is a daily challenge, for sure!

Alevaro23 profile image

Hi Purplepia,

Have you considered getting Biofeedback treatment?

Purplepia profile image
Purplepia in reply to Alevaro23

Hey what is that?

Alevaro23 profile image

It's an alternative treatment, but can be used in conjunction with mainstream medication. I found an article that may help to explain: 😁

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