Probably need therapy, maybe meds. I am a mess of issues.
51, very likely ADHD combined, ACOA (adult child of an alcoholic), anxiety and stress like crazy. Add to it, have had digestive issues my entire life (related ?) and currently trying to maintain a low-Fodmap diet. Seriously hitting a brick wall. Been looking for resources, have insurance, but can't really find anything locally - at least no one that seems to cover my issues. Have tried numerous anxiety meds in the past but they've all been difficult to maintain without other issues (my digestive issues getting in the way of my meds). Have never been on any meds ADHD specific.
Not sure where to start. How to find specific help or even what to look for. How do I find a counselor or therapist that covers my broad range of issues. I know there's a lot of research being done on the gut-brain connection. I'm probably a classic case.
Where to start?