I've been at my job for 6 1/2 years. I have a boos who cares and really wants me to succeed but she needs results. I have had issues with time management, prioritization, lack of confidence, indecisiveness... and have been unable to meet productivity expectations for almost the entire time. My boss has tried watching me work, given me many suggestions of things to do different but I can't seem to implement them successfully - it's like there are too many balls to juggle and if I focus on one I drop something else... Or I have all these what if's or reasons why an exception would be good but then it backfires... I find it hard to implement the suggestions consistently - I suppose in part due to anxiety or emotional blocks or something...
My boss says my coworkers are getting frustrated about me not being able to carry my share of the load and my problem is getting more obvious now that my coworkers are more involved in assigning workloads than they were in the past and they can't give me as much - or if they do I just don't get enough done...
She gets pressure from HR about my low productivity and my overtime (they even asked her once "why is she still here?" - I can stay an hour or more longer than the others and still have bad numbers... or if they are even close to good the overtime counteracts them because you are supposed to get it done in 8 hours not 9...
She doesn't know how long she can stand up for me... she doesn't want to fire me - she wants me to succeed... she sometimes asks me "what happened yesterday that you only saw 4 patients?" Or "what happened that you had 1 1/2 hours overtime?" And she wants me to think of what went wrong and what I will change to fix it... reasonable - but it's hard...
I feel like I am just stringing her along and being a drain on the department if I can't make progress - if it were going to change wouldn't it have happened by now? Am I never going to get it - if so why keep trying? - How do I know when this is just a bad fit and I just need to find a different job that suits me better? Surely there is some job that would rely more on my strengths and less on my weaknesses... but I am scared to even look for another job - scared a new boss wouldn't be as patient with me and would fire me or let me go in short order if I couldn't measure up in a few months... and how could my current boss give me a good recommendation with this glaring work performance problem?
She sees a lot of good in me - says I am a good therapist (I am a physical therapist) - it's not really my work they have a problem with - it is that I take too long, don't prioritize well and can't meet productivity expectations... don't get enough done... I also struggle with asking for help - it is embarassing to ask for help when I haven't done "enough" for it to be reasonable to need help - I can't do my share of the workload...
I'm trying to figure out what to do... I don't want to get fired and perhaps at some point my boss will have to give up or HR will make her fire me... I've already been fired once before but I was a fairly new graduate then so it was easier for people to understand the job was not a good fit for me as a new graduate... now I have enough experience/time that that excuse is no longer applicable...
I have a counselor who has been very helpful to me in some areas of my life - I have learned a lot about myself and made some progress I value in some areas of my personal life - but work has not really budged much - I don't feel I have really improved there... I am kind of staying the same... my counselor says baby steps is what works with ADHD - and I so appreciate that - but I don't know if my boss has time for baby steps... I've already had how many years to get this? My boss tells me to try REALLY REALLY HARD... she so needs improvement... but I'm not sure how to do that - when I manage to drum up enough drive for that it doesn't last - it it is hard to maintain constant intense focus and drive ...
My counselor is the one who told me I have ADHD - she could see it very clearly and it was so nice to have a "reason" for my struggles other than "moral failing" or not trying hard enough or something...
I wondered though if I need more than therapy - maybe I also need an ADHD career coach who can really drill in on the work thing and help me figure it out whether it means a different job that would suit me better or how to improve at this one and make improvement that lasts...
I asked my counselor if she thought career coaching would be a good idea for me/whether it would help, whether I am ready for it... she said it wasn't a bad idea but she needed to think about it... I wasn't proposing quoting therapy - I still have things I want to work on there... It would be expensive to do both counseling and coaching - but losing my job would also be expensive especially if I couldn't get or keep a new one. Maybe I need to invest more in myself now while I still have income - I need to be able to keep a job... and ideally to get to where I can just go do my job and come home knowing my work was adequate and acceptable so I don't have to stress about it or about when my boss is going to talk to me next - or about losing my job... I don't want to have to mooch on family - I need to be able to keep supporting myself...
I'm a little scared whether coaching would be too much pressure - just another list of stuff I have to do without getting rid of the mental blocks or emotional blocks or whatever is holding me back - my boss gave me a list of ideas and it didn't work for me - would a coach be different?
My counselor did say she thinks I probably need to get something about the ADHD in my HR file at work so I have some protection (against getting fired) - and she thinks I need accommodations - though I'm scared to talk about that with my boss and what would my coworkers think if I am held to a lower standard than they are especially if I don't tell them about the ADHD? My boss does know about the ADHD and she is supportive thankfully.
My counselor wanted me to get the official diagnosis from a doctor, psychiatrist or psychologist so I sought testing at a family practice doctor who specializes in ADHD - he at first thought I had it but then I didn't do bad enough on the computerized TOVA test he gave me so he decided I didn't have it and recommended I go to a psychologist for further testing to see what is behind my anxiety and lack of confidence... My counselor's assessment of me was unchanged by this report - she still strongly believes I have ADHD and when I read stuff about ADHD I resonate with so much... I can identify with it... - I have scheduled an appointment with a psychologist for testing - but my appointment is not till June 9 and then it is 4 weeks till you get results...and meanwhile I'm getting stressed about work - as my boss talked to me again about my performance difficulty and my overtime recently...
Bless you if you read all that... I write too much... if any of you have ideas or thoughts they are welcome...