Sensory overload on ADHD stims? - CHADD's Adult ADH...

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Sensory overload on ADHD stims?

humble-rasberry profile image
7 Replies

Hi! I found this forum here a week ago and thought I might find some support here because I don't know where else to go. I'm 22 and was diagnosed with mixed inattentive/hyperactive ADHD about 5 months ago.

TL;DR - Vyvanse 30mg is working fairly well but only lasting ~4 hours and making me feel like very aware of surroundings. Started 2.5mg Adderall IR boosters which helped me not have sensory meltdowns every night during crash. Seeing a therapist for depression. Wondering if my responses/symptoms are something besides ADHD.

Past Prescriptions:

Started on 10mg of Adderall, did nothing. 20mg of Adderall- helped my ADHD slightly more, but gave me really bad neck pains and even just wearing a necklace or just tight clothing felt so uncomfortable, also felt like a zombie so I think dose was too high. Appetite suppression was hard to deal with as I’m underweight, but I enjoyed not noticing the come up/down.

Tried Ritalin IR (5-10mg x 3/day) and Adderall IR (5-7.5mg x 2/day), Ritalin made me really tense, more distracted, and super sleepy. Adderall IR- fast heart beat, dry mouth, little focus. Both gave me constant mood swings/breakdowns.

Starting Vyvanse:

Vyvanse was supposed to be smoother, but it feels way more intense that the Adderall. I started at 30mg then felt overwhelmed by the hyperfocus but at the same time scatterbrained. Tried 40mg which helped me focus better on a single thing, but an uncomfortable hyper focus. It feels like Vyvanse has helped my motivation and urge to stay on top of things, but also the intense hyper focus phases makes it impossible to take a break even if I’m in pain from my sitting position or needing to eat/pee. It feels like I notice all these pains and tensions in my body so intensely, or things like my body temperature fluctuating so much. I went back down to 30 and its slightly smoother now, but still just makes it hard for me to feel at ease or just get comfortable.

The comedowns also happen after 4-5 hours. I usually take it at 1pm which I know is late, but if I don’t then I crash so early, and the crashes intensifies my depression and I was having sensory meltdowns pretty much every night until I started Adderall IR boosters which helped me ease that down. But I take the booster at 5:30pm and its making me stay awake till like 5am even though I only felt the somewhat sustained focus for another hour or two.


For more context, I’m taking magnesium and vegetarian supplements. I do have a fast metabolism which I think is why the stims don't last long for me. I also have low blood pressure and noticed the stims don’t raise my blood pressure at all, sometimes its even lower (is that weird?). I am just overwhelmed.


I have also recently been considering that I am likely on the spectrum, which I've read can be common for people with ADHD. But maybe the stims aren’t exactly working because I don’t have ADHD? I have sensory issues normally, but the medications seem to intensify it. But also I have difficulty communicating (echolalia, avoiding eye contact, hard time understanding or responding to emotions) and all the overlap with ADHD symptoms in zoning out in conversation, impulsivity, interrupting and not being able to focus. I also have small tics that seem to get worse on stims. But I am not very educated in this area so I don't know.

I am just overwhelmed with the intense awareness and feelings I guess? I would love to hear any insights or if anyone can relate in some way. Also if you made it to the end I really cannot thank you enough for taking the time to read this. Hope you all have a good week!

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7 Replies
ZimmyZimmy profile image

I was just diagnosed with ADHD *AND* high functioning autism (long story: been on anxiety and depression meds for 20 years with little help there…but the adhd and autism are that background static I’ve had forever!).I suspected the ADHD, but I was sidelined by the autism diagnosis. The psychologist said how I described being so sensitive to sounds, touch, light, self-isolation, and major social anxiety with struggle to appear “normal.”

So, because my anxiety is so very high, he put me on colonidine (blood pressure meds that are successful in giving a full body “chill” to help with the anxieties of EVERYTHING that he said really help children with outbursts and anxiety with autism…and I must say it is starting to really help me!). He also started me on strattera (a non stimulant med specifically for ADHD…because he wanted to try it first due to my anxiety…with a stim as a last resort in my case). Unlike the stimulants, it takes several weeks for full results, and I’m only just starting it.

But for overwhelming emotions and sensitivities and rejection and general anxiety, the colonidine is becoming a blessing. First few days I was TOO mellow, hahaha! I am adjusting and starting at half of the lowest dosage. But I’m getting a bit used to it, and it’s becoming lovely.

Those are my thoughts for you! I’m all new to this too! DO read about high functioning autism!! I had no idea what it was! But it sure helps explain my uncomfortable general way of being. Game-changer. I think I finally have some direction and hope to find the right coping skills now.

humble-rasberry profile image
humble-rasberry in reply to ZimmyZimmy

Hi! Thank you so much for your reply! I would make up an excuse to why I'm responding so late but we all know the real reason lol. I talked to my psych and we are switching to Adderall XR with IR boosters. So far it hasn't helped a whole lot in terms of my focus, but I'm gonna try to work up really slowly. It has helped with the crashes however. I will ask my therapist about high-functioning autism in my next session because I am starting to familiarize myself with it. I think I am only worried about coming across as offensive bringing it up, but it is therapy so I should probably not be too anxious about that.

I know you said you had just started Strattera, but have you noticed any difference in the past 2 weeks? My psych also suggested that but I am doing an online course right now that I cannot procrastinate so I was scared to waste a month's worth of prescription.

Hi Humble-rasberry,I understand and relate to your struggle.

In my opinion, I’m not sure a supplement or medication exists that feels just right, but I know that without, something feels wrong.

Not all symptoms and reactions are the same since ADHD looks different for everyone, but what you’re experiencing is pretty normal. It takes time to find the right med and dosage, and adjusting the target time for maximum effectiveness. I’m sure the past 5 months have felt like an eternity! Keep working with your doctor because together you’ll find something you can live with.

I personally did not like the hyper-focus effect of Vyvance. I had so much more anxiety! Just the thought of ignoring the million other thoughts going on in my head, coupled with a constant feeling of unaccomplished and guilt of not paying attention to other important matters made the crash that much worse.

After some time we found the right combo, and have been steady for about 4 years now, so hang in there, you will adapt and embrace the uniqueness of the ADHD mind.

Good luck on your journey and don’t lose faith!

humble-rasberry profile image
humble-rasberry in reply to HighLoveStrongPeace

Thank you for your reply and for the validation. It definitely has felt like an eternity. I'm glad to hear you also had the hyper-focus effect, it was so intense that it felt like it was making my focus worse!!! I am now switching to Adderall XR with IR boosters. I'm trying to start as low as possible to evaluate so it hasn't had much effect but I am hopeful.

May I ask what medication you are on now? That's relieving to hear you were able to find the right combo. My psych has made a few comments about how my process seems to be taking longer than normal to figure out which gives me more anxiety, even though I don't think that is true.

Dashingdart profile image

Seeing as you are in USA I would recommend deysoxn. Think I spelt it right. It's a form of methamphetamine. Don't think omg I don't want to touch that it's not the same as the crystal drug on the streets.It's at far lower dose than anyone would get high on I can assure you.

I even got a private prescription in uk when I was working cost me £800 a month as was a private prescription and they had import charges on top plus UK taxes.

However in USA should be able to get it on insurance.

It's far smoother than elvanse aka vyvance (lisdexamfetamine)

Last for up to 6-8 hours per doses and works really really well for combined adhd.

I always take a instant stimulant to sleep and could sleep on deysoxn.

If I remember comes in 5mg starting doses I was on 30mg per day 3 dose per day.

Only thing you need to remember on it is to drink plenty of water as you get a dry mouth/throat more on them compared to both instant and long acting dexamphetamine.

I really can't stress how well it works on my elvanse and instant dexamfetamine people can still tell I have adhd by how I act but on deysoxn no one could even tell I had mental health issues.

I was so calm. Could read a whole book from start to finish. I could hold down a job and even got promoted at the time.

My anxiety and depression just totally went

I made friend easier and could hold a decent covocation.

I could concertrate on takes and see them to the finish.

And it didn't effect my apertite could eat normally.

I would highly recommend you give it a try.

If doesn't work for you you can always go back to a different stimulant.

And just to tell you this also no it wasnt addictive. I could easily go days without it and I had no issue going back to dexamfetamine once I couldn't afford private.

All the best to you

humble-rasberry profile image
humble-rasberry in reply to Dashingdart

Thank you for your reply! I will talk to my psychatrist about Deysoxn. The only thing that worries me is that you said you could sleep on it. When I was on Ritalin I noticed I was so exhausted. Without any medication I am usually tired anyways (low blood pressure) but I couldn't even try to stay awake. At first I thought that my brain was finally calm enough to take a break, but it also gave me a lot of anxiety. Not sure what that says about me lol. Stimulants were nice because I never felt a need to nap, even on the lower doses. Not sure if you've had that problem.

I'm also curious if you find it inhibits your ability to be social? Vyvanse made me so anti social so I'm curious about your experience with the calming effect of Deysoxn.

Dashingdart profile image

I have always needed a stimulant to help me sleep just helps clear my mind of the 1001 things I'm thinking about.I had to go on NHS and could only afford private prescription for 3 months on the deysxon cost me £800 per month all my savings gone. However I'm on elvanse/vyvanse and I find it helps alot compared to no stimulant at all.

To me nothing will work as well as deysxon but this elvanse in combo with instant dexamfetamine topups help my life alot. If you insurance company will accept it I would highly recommend it.

Only thing I found bad about it was the stigma just tell family and friends it's an adhd medication and thats it.

I wish you all the best on your journey but sooner or later you will find the best medicine and dose that works for you just takes time sadley. Also last thing I found elvanse helped my anxiety when I'm out and about I'm slightly more Social than normal.

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