I'm crazy, so?: I write this post with... - CHADD's Adult ADH...

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I'm crazy, so?

4 Replies

I write this post with the question "what else, runs through the mind of a 'norm' or nuerotypical when they call me crazy?"

I think. Ehhm, should I go for a walk or should I allow myself to do absolutely nothing for a bit??

Both those options are like a million times a kajillion more fun and productive than giving a f**** about that. :D

Redirect your question to yourself or rather, ask yourself where you left your heart ❤ because you'll need it if you intend to accomplish or do anything for today. Haha js 😊

4 Replies
MrsKlco profile image

Fakehackr, I am not one to judge. But I have no idea what your asking... On one hand, when I am worked up and my mind is in a hamster wheel, I can text/email/say some crazy stuff. And when people respond, "this doesn't make sense" I just want to loose my temper. SOOOO having said that. My conversation in my mind is totally cool, smart, on point...then I open my mouth and.... Lord only knows that comes out.

I have come to a point where if someone calls me crazy, they just don't know me. SO ether they will over time understand my brilliance (in only the oddest ways I am able to shine) or they move on and I don't bother loosing one moment of sleep. OR hamster wheel time.

Is this more of what you are talking about?

I would like to support you. Please respond back if I am totally off the mark.


in reply to MrsKlco

Please open eyes and ears. There is more than just your mind working here.

Don’t fall for it. It’s a powerful acceptance. Not a realization or understanding. Learning that as I do, exactly that. This moment. In the present. God lies in all areas.

God can/will/is. Translates to me to . God just can’t escape what’s past, present nor future. We can escape though, thank god.

Rebuttals or arguments can/will/are(is) contradicting itself. That’s gods job to resolve. Not yours or ours nor I or mine.

Lovely day and thank you so much. You really do strike what’s right. seeing, hearing and thinking more closely.. What you think is right. Then I come with a rebuttal, let’s say, but as I said not long before this. That’s gods job. Not mine. So, you’re actually right then. Who am I to say? Right?

😉 spread the best to all. We all deserve it. Happiness and peace and change is so so so needed. ❤️ I love everyone take care

happyhermit profile image

So ... even neurotypical people are scared of what doesn't make sense to them -- it's a natural human response, your brain goes into "caution" mode until you know what you're dealing with. That's why WE're always in fight-or-flight-or-freeze mode, because the "normal" world so often doesn't make sense to us! So when an NT person meets someone who is atypical it can kind of freak them out, they're so used to the world making sense to them, you know?

So if you can take a deep breath, and try to respond with compassion ... say something like "yeah, well, I am kinda different" and with a smile, "not in any dangerous way, though, it's OK!" Because they don't know, you know? And nowadays, with the world turned upside down, people are on edge. I mean, I AM kinda crazy, from a NT perspective, so I try to give people some slack. You just never know what kind of day they've had, what they're dealing with at home or at work, whatever. Be the wise one. Like you said, go for a walk ... walk away, say a prayer, thank God for what progress you've made and whatever good thing has happened recently, and pray for the ignorant jerk who just called you crazy.... Amen.

in reply to happyhermit

Thank you, tenks

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