We all go through life learn skills, abilities, practices, and habits. For many of us with ADHD we tend to have a more difficult time with this which means a lack of tools in our toolbox.
I challenge everyone who is on medication and off medication to figure out one “tool” they want to add into their toolbox a month. When I say “tool” I am referring to anything that helps you live a healthier life. A few basic ideas are below.
- I’m stressed at work and it makes my evening at home a hot mess.
Take 5 minutes every 2-3 hours at work and ask yourself “am I stressed?” What physical things do I do when I am stressed? Clench my jaw, bounce my leg, or get really quiet.
To address this, take a quick deep breath and count to 10. Let it out and go back to work. Repeat as necessary.
- I don’t do well communicating with my SO about complex stuff and it frustrates them.
Tell them you need 2-3 minutes to write down your thoughts.
Set an alarm and put some earbuds in while writing.
Instead of giving the note to them read it to them so they understand these are your words. You and them will both feel more validated and heard. Now that you have a base you can calmly continue the conversation for an agreed length of time. Set that timer, hug it out after and leave the emotions at the table after the hug.
- I take on too much in a day and stress myself out.
Get a notepad small but not too small and draw 4 lines landscape.
Write down 4 different tasks you NEED to do in the day. Once you’ve done one, cross it off and do that for all 4 tasks. Keep doing this on a new page every time you complete 4 tasks.
At the end of the day review your accomplishments and tell yourself that you did an amazing job out loud.
Let’s hear some ideas you guys have!