I am married to a wonderful man. He wants to make love all the time. He thinks it's him that I don't want. I had a partial hysterectomy in 2016 and now 2020 I feel not to make love to him. The past four years our love was amazing. It still does once we get into it. I don't have the urge. Does ADHD and the hysterectomy coincide with one another? How can I feel that again?
ADHD and Hysterctomy: I am married to a... - CHADD's Adult ADH...
ADHD and Hysterctomy
Hi, Berna_430
Having a partial hysterectomy could change your estrogen and testosterone levels. Have you also gone through menopause?
ADHD does have some effect on your desire, but it sounds like you had a good sex life previous to your partial hystorectomy . ADHD affects your ability relax during sex. It has more to do with your mindset rather than anything physical.
There's a few different things you might do to boost your libido. Also, do research them out and see what best suits your situation.. Check out WebMD.com for more in depth info or HealthLine could be useful at: healthline.com/health/hormo...
If you have one see your OB/GYN doctor and ask them about what different medications might help in your particular situation. There are pills or creams that might help out.
Hope this helps you out. Best wishes on your journey!
Thank you for your help.
Sorry my anxiety is high right now.
Hey it's totally ok to be a bit stressed out. Womens bodies change so much through our lifetime that it's always a bit different from day to day. I get it.
Try to relax in a nice bubble bath, or try out guided meditation.
Take care and let me know how you're doing??
I know that when I became my mom’s
primary caregiver for her metastatic stage 4 pancreatic cancer for about
a year and a half until she died in January 2016, I had no desire 4 sex
because I was only concentrating on taking care of her. Perhaps if U R so
Close to your husband, U should
tell him what is going on and
suggest going to a couples counselor
who is familiar with the ADA sexual
Behavior and also mention going to
Your gynecologist and get hormonal
testing, other test to see what is
going on with your body Hopefully he
will be understanding and see how much U love him and want to
continue your passionate love life
It’s likely a hormonal issue! Estrogen apparently can also effect women with ADHD too. If there is any discomfort you might be pulling back too. Also we use our brains during that time. Recall what helped it worked when you got into it as you said. Let your husband know may help to.
Do you feel less of because a part of you is missing? Do you feel some grief over that, even a little? You might want to take a bit of time to write about that or process it. Notice too that your husbands desire for you is still there too and your not less of a woman. There’s a website call HysterSisters that might be of help. It’s for all stages before and after for overall support. I think it’s a .org site don’t remember exactly. It’s been and active site and you may find further help.