Hi all,
In brief, I sought treatment for depressive episodes about a year ago, and after a few months meeting with the psychiatrist, an ADHD packet, etc, he gave a diagnosis of "Unspecified Attention Deficit Disorder; Unspecified Depressive Disorder", and started me on Methylphenidate. I now take the extended release (Concerta, 54mg) daily with Bupropion ER (300mg), and it has helped somewhat (i.e., I can focus for longer, but it hasn't helped with procrastination, being increasingly late to things, and getting fixated on an emotion, especially when it's one of guilt/shame at failing another task, making it difficult to do anything until I can break out of the mood [normally something external breaks me out of it]).
I had never really entertained the idea of actually having ADHD, even though the medications are helping, but I stumbled upon information about Adult ADHD online about three weeks ago, and it felt as though someone had secretly tape recorded my life and transcribed it on a page. It explains nearly every single problem I have been having to a T, and the aspects of emotional hypersensitivity and rejection sensitivity dysphoria (RSD), neither of which I knew existed, nor knew were connected with ADHD, seem to explain the "depressive" episodes that brought me in to the psychiatrist in the first place (i.e. they never come unprovoked, and always start after I am frustrated at myself for failing to do something, or grow out of increasing frustration and stress over not completing a very simple task like writing an email, or if I somehow convince myself that someone important to me will be upset at or disappointed in me for some reason--the latter can be debilitating for a while, sometimes).
However, when I went into the psychiatrist a few days ago, he was not receptive to changing the diagnosis, and kept saying that he still thinks there may be some sort of anxiety or depression going on. While this certainly may be the case, and I definitely want to continue meeting with him to try and figure it out, I am feeling somewhat uneasy about not having a concrete diagnosis.
Although the ADHD symptoms I have seen feel like they explain a lot, and the techniques they suggest seem like they would help, I can't help but feel like I would be 'hypocritically' assuming someone else's condition. Whereas thinking, "Ah! This issue today is explained by ADHD such-and-such," which would help ground me and give me a platform to begin fixing it, when I try to think that way now, it is undermined by the thought, "Ah, but you do not have an ADHD diagnosis! You cannot apply this logic to your situation, you should not assume the mantle of another's difficultly as your own!"
I realize that this is largely an issue of formalism, and functionally, since I am getting the medicines I need (psychiatrist was open to trying to add on medications that have been successful in combination with stimulants for ADHD, such as Alpha-2 Agonists, etc), if the techniques work, then they work and I should use them.
I still cannot shake this worry, though, and really feel uneasy without a concrete diagnosis-- "unspecified" feels rather... false, as it were.
To that end, what are your opinions on the "unspecified" diagnosis? Is this "real" ADHD? I would very much like to read your honest opinions-- if I can get an accurate idea of how the community feels about this sort of thing, I know that it will help me re-center my thoughts, and have more confidence to deal with the nagging doubt that makes it difficult to implement corrections and new techniques.
If you do not think that it qualifies, though, please do say so as well-- this will help me uncouple myself from the "ADHD" label, and be open to exploring other ways of thinking about my condition.
Thank you all for your help, and I look forward to reading your opinions!