Hi all, I am happy to announce that I am finally releasing & debuting my ADHD Documentary-film titled: "ATTENTION DEFICIT ATTENTION OVERLOAD"
This documentary-film will take the viewer on a journey of deep exploration, reflection, & education in regards to ADHD. I wanted to make this film mainly as a tool to assist those who are not well informed on ADHD. I have been working on this ADHD film along with the tremendous help of my family, friends, and music students since 2016. After 6yrs of research on ADHD, along with publishing a book on ADHD, I came to learn that many people are either ill informed and or know very little about ADHD. With this film, I hope to educate, entertain, & most importantly inform. This film shows ADHD in its raw form, showing both the positives & negatives through the different stages of the lifespan. Society needs to better understand the ADHD community. I as well have learned so much from so many great people on here and other helpful websites/forums. It's inspiring!! As mentioned, this film has been in the works since 2016, & will Now FINALLY be RELEASED in EARLY 2023!!! As of 2 days ago, I am happy to announce, that I finally Released the 1st Trailer!!
It's Uploaded on my ADHD Youtube Channel - "wilhelm the esoteric" and the video is titled "ATTENTION DEFICIT ATTENTION OVERLOAD: Documentary-Film Trailer (2023)" (Link to channel is also in my bio). Hope this helps.
Please share with your family, friends, colleagues, and loved ones.
Best Regards
- Wilhelm