Saying hello. New diagnosis. Long tim... - CHADD's Adult ADH...

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Saying hello. New diagnosis. Long time problems

Kaai profile image
14 Replies


I've lived with ADHD for a long time but only recently sought treatment. I've been trying to deal with the negative effects it's had alone for a long time but am working on trying to change things. My wife found you all. I figured I would post to say hello.

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Kaai profile image
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14 Replies
dubstepMaul profile image

hello Kaai, welcome to the community. You will find support here as well as good suggestions

Kaai profile image
Kaai in reply to dubstepMaul

Thanks! I'm now in the process of trying to remember to get on and interact too XD

Welcome, Kaai! Congratulations on having the realization that your ADHD has had an impact on your life and that you are trying to make positive changes. Also, so glad your wife is supporting you in this journey. Coming to this message board and to CHADD is a great place to start. Learning as much as you can about ADHD is important too. If you haven't already, read anything you can on ADHD. My favorite authors are Thomas Brown or Edward Hallowell to really get a great overview. There are also great resources here at CHADD or

Consider coaching too. Disclaimer, I'm a Life Coach and specialize in ADHD. I'd be happy to have a chat with you to see if coaching could benefit you, either with me or with someone else. There are many great coaches out there.

Good luck. Journey's are tough but so worth it.

*Edited to take out personal information. I just read the guidelines!

bamagirl0994 profile image
bamagirl0994 in reply to

How do u get a life coach if u don't mind me asking I think I could really use one .

in reply to bamagirl0994

Hi! I love your question. 😊. Really, you just have to google it. I am assuming though that since you are on this board, you or someone you love has ADHD. There are listings for coaches who specialize in ADHD on CHADD and other ADHD organizations. And having that training and knowledge is important.

Here is a great article about life coaches from

It is like dating. You have to find a coach that you connect with and be open and ready for new ideas for coaching to work. My website is Email me through the website and we can set up a time to talk if you are interested.

No matter what, good luck with your journey.

Kaai profile image
Kaai in reply to

Thank you. Believe it or not, thats how I (well, my wife) found the site.

in reply to Kaai

Interesting! Does she see a coach?

Kaai profile image
Kaai in reply to

Oh haha. Sorry. I meant to section linking the website with support articles and discussing.

Ironically, I would love to try a coach a but time and money are short (if only insurance covered it!). Being a grad student is fun in that aspect!

Though, I am seeing a social worker/therapist, though I really really wish she was a touch more specialized. She has sorta been learning with me. (One thing I find annoying about the med field I'm currently training in, ADHD is still widely seen as a simple childhood disorder of distractibility with impulsiveness and even many of the professionals don't seem to understand anything other than that. I've literally had a doctor I worked with tell me after one of his ADHD adults come in, that he thinks he is just continuing his act into adulthood for the pills cause he should have gotten more self control by now.)

Gotcha. There are many good articles out there. Glad you found your way here.

Coaching can be a great addition to your overall therapy. Understand that time and money are short right now. School is expensive! I wonder if we should talk anyway. I’d love to see if we can work something out to fit your schedule and budget. Check out my website and email me through that if you want. No cost and no pressure, I promise. I just want to see if I help! Here it is again for quick reference.

Lovinit profile image

Hello! It’s great your wife helped you find this, I hope reading other people’s posts and sharing your own experiences will help you grow. I was diagnosed in 2002 and dealt with my struggles in private, I was ashamed of having adhd and I never even told my close friends. Until about two years ago I found this forum and after three months reading others posts I got the courage to write a post and people responded. It felt so good to feel like I am being heard and understood.

Kaai profile image
Kaai in reply to Lovinit

Honestly, I didn't really want to be diagnosed. I realize now it's a good thing for me as now I can approach the issues plaguing me with ADHD stuff in mind.

Though, I'm still trying to get over the shame I feel. The grad program I'm in ( physicians assistant) requires me to notify them if I start any controlled medications, as we do constant drug screens due to the nature of our rotations testing patients. Honestly, it was awful telling them not only was I taking a controlled substance, but was also diagnosed with ADHD. One professor's response was, but you had s 3.8 GPA in undergrad. Another professor had been quoted in the past saying that ADHD is a childhood disease with rare progression to adulthood, and it reflected on his face. Now, they pulled me temporarily from my rotations saying they fear for my ability to communicate in a professional setting due to my condition (and a few other minor factors that they tossed in as an excuse). I can say that didn't help much!

I'm working on it though. My wife has been trying to get me on here since I was diagnosed nearly half a year ago. She is an amazing person and my support. I just wish I felt about it like she does. That this is not something to be ashamed of.

Haha I'm writing books with my posts and getting kinda rambly.

Long story short, my program isn't particularly accepting of adult ADHD which is feeding into my own insecurities like crazy.

Lovinit profile image
Lovinit in reply to Kaai

I’m not one to ruffle other people’s feathers and let me know if I’m wrong but I was told and shown at one time there is a some kind of law forgot what it’s called but it has to do with adhd and discrimination. It’s about how we are protected from bullshit that it sounds like your teacher is doing? Am I in the right ball park?

Kaai profile image
Kaai in reply to Lovinit

You arent wrong, however if I want to graduate I kinda need to ignore it and prove myself to them, rather than incur the wrath of the board :/ Slighted professionals can be vindictive, especially when medical professionals from schools have teams of lawyers XD

Eh, prolly just overblowing it in my head. Gonna show my worth as I've done a thousand times while pushing the emotional impacts to the back of my mind.

Lovinit profile image
Lovinit in reply to Kaai

That makes sense I suppose. I hate dealing with ass holes

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