Growing up with my family no one had a filter and no one was sensitive to each other’s feelings. We didn’t talk feelings.
I have my first roommate since October. He’s 34 I’m 38. He doesn’t do any chores his room is a mess he doesn’t throw anything away but I don’t care about his room unless it start stinking out into the hall. I care about him doing his share of the chores and I didn’t ask he do everything I do I just started with 2 things to do. I want to blow up on him! I doing everything I can not to. If I parochial him about it kindly with sensitivity he right away become defensive. He says he does things that he doesn’t do so often I feel like he believes what he’s saying and it’s completely not true. What do I do? I’m thinking I want to tell him that if he can’t do his part of the chores I will have to and I will have to charge him $50 more a month. What do you guys think? And any advice for me on how to reply when he starts talking out of his ass. He won’t take responsibility for what he’s doing or not doing. He denies everything and he claims to do so much. I’m not exaggerating. After 3 months I asked if he would take the garbage out to the dumpster. He didn’t know where the dumpster was