Recently diagnosed with ADHD at 35 - CHADD's Adult ADH...

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Recently diagnosed with ADHD at 35

16 Replies

Hi Everyone.

I was recently diagnosed with ADHD at 35. I truly believe now this has been my problem all along. I didn't/couldn't finish college or keep a job. I threw away so many job opportunities. Basically my life has not turned out the way I thought it would. I think the problem started when I was in grade 9 and could not focus on reading a book. I wanted to read it but I just could not focus and concentrate on reading it. I could read the words but they basically just didn't made sense. I also couldn't remember what I just read. I never got the help I likely needed because my mother got very sick when I was in grade 7 so I basically had no one to "watch" over me. I know if she had not gotten sick, I would have gotten help. I've been diagnosed as Bi-Polar but I honestly do not think I am. (sorry would like to explain more but we can only write so much here). I have recently been prescribed Vyvanse and it honestly cleared all the fog that has been in my brain for as long as I remember. I have only been on it for a few days so I will post an update later on. I wouldn't even be able to write all this post before and now I just did it with ease. I feel like crying lol.

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16 Replies
Benzonio1 profile image

Congratulations Mike! So happy to hear that you figured it out.

in reply to Benzonio1

Thanks for the reply. I will provide an update in a week or two.

dubstepMaul profile image

Hiya, welcome to the community.

in reply to dubstepMaul

Thanks for the welcome!

MadaEroom profile image

I have a similar story. In regards to the “brain fog” issue I also found that eating a low carb and low sugar diet has helped me a lot in that department. I am personally very sensitive to sugar intake. So you may find additional improvement with a modification to your diet. I encourage you to also do as much reading about adhd as possible. The more you understand the more you can recognize what your mind does and mitigate some of the negative effects and patterns. CBT therapy can help greatly as well.

Thank You for the reply. Can you tell me a bit more about yourself - age and more background on what symptoms you had, how it affected your life, did you succeed in what you wanted to do in life, etc. I am curious about how other people's lives may have been different if they knew that ADHD was the actual problem and NOT something like Bi-Polar Disorder, depression, and/or anxiety. I have been diagnosed as Bi-Polar but I honestly do not think I am.

I am definitely going to look into my diet. The problem is right now that money is a bit tight so I don't have the luxury of buying the most healthy foods. When I have the money and my own place I am going to research diet and what you can eat that can possibly improve ADHD more than just taking medication (in my case - it's only medication). I think I would have enjoyed learning about diet and food and healthy eating but could never really put the effort into researching about it before. So I basically just ate fast food mostly. Actually now that I think about it, I think I have, at least 85%+ of the time since I was 18 - only ate out and never cooked my own meals. Wow - that is not good and now I really want to cook my own meals. About CBT therapy - I don't want to judge it because I have never done it, but I think it would not be effective, or as effective for me. One of the reasons is if I don't "like" the psychologist or whoever does it, I don't want to open up or talk to them much- it is just a feeling I get about someone pretty quick if I want to continue on engaging with them. Maybe I would get lucky and find the right person the first time, but I doubt it. And to be honest, I do kind of like the "I'll just take a pill" method. I know this is not always the best route to go overall but it's just how I feel right now. Having said that I am going to research CBT therapy more now and go from there, but as of now I think medication is best in my case for now.

PriP profile image

I recently got my diagnostis too. So good that you are doing better!!!!

in reply to PriP

Hi There,

It's a good diagnosis :). Do you want to share a bit about your background and what got you to the point of being diagnosed? I am curious about other people's stories and it amazes me how similar in general a lot of them are. If you'd like, please provide an update in a few weeks/months, or whenever, on how you are doing/how your life has changed, etc. Good Luck!

Shangrace99 profile image
Shangrace99 in reply to PriP

I am 47 and was diagnosed a few years ago and it changed my life and my purpose in my career. I have gone back to school to help other females with ADHD so they do not struggle as I did. There is so much new information on Female's with ADHD!! Congratulations to everyone who took charge of their mental health! :)

QuirkyCookie profile image

Congrats! It's a good feeling to get a diagnosis. I'm about to turn 46 and recently got a diagnosis of inattentive ADHD. My life would've been a lot easier in many ways if I had been diagnosed as a kiddo. BUT I do my best not to think about it. Easier isn't always better. We are who we are because of our experiences, including our struggles. As long as you look for the silver linings, you won't wonder "what if" so much. Moving forward is much more exciting! It's not that your post made it sound like you were super focused on what might have been. I just thought I'd pass along a nugget that helps me deal with recalibrating and sort of starting life over halfway through;-) Best of luck to the newfound you!

I completely agree about not dwelling on the past and the what if - it's not worth it because you can't go back in time and change it so there is zero use or reason to dwell on it. In general though, it is upsetting to think what could have been, but again, there is no point using that energy on something you can't redo over so it's best to use that energy to move forward and really begin living. Please let me know how your treatment is going, I am also curious to know if you have been diagnosed with Bi-Polar, or some other mental disorder. I have been diagnosed with BP/ GAD and I never really accepted I was BP- It was ADHD the whole time. One last thing - No one is going to care or watch out for your health like you - only you care about your health - not doctors, family, or friends - ultimately you are the only one that cares about your health. I think too many people suffer needlessly because they kind of wait for others to "help" them but you have to do the research, you have to go to the doctor's, you have to keep at it and do whatever is necessary to help yourself- it's up to you. I'm lucky because I was able to help myself - a lot of people with mental illness can't and fall through the cracks. I wanted to give up and resign myself to the life I was living but there was always something in the back of my mind telling me - this life you are living isn't you. Anyways, please keep in touch.

dgs2018 profile image

At 35, you have plenty of time to turn your life around since you are still young and probably have more years in front of you than behind you. Don't regret, go reach for your goals and your passion and commitment will help you see the barriers to success broken down. Many people have found that their 40's and 50's are more satisfying than their earlier years. You have a lot to look forward to and have found out how you function best. Use that and move forward. Best wishes in your journey!

in reply to dgs2018

Thank You so much! Please update me as to how your treatment is going. Best of luck!

dgs2018 profile image

Mike, I'm currently not taking any medications or treatment. I think knowing yourself is important to functioning well around others. I have not said that a prescription is absolutely out of the question though. Right now, I prefer the non-medicinal approach.

Ashfaren profile image

i have the same symptoms but my problem started at 19.

Ultimately It's your choice which treatment option you like best and works for you. I assume you already know this but I would never be ashamed of taking medication. It's there for a reason. Life is too short to suffer needlessly when meds could improve your life. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. Most people will have to take medication for something at some point in their life and take it for the rest of their lives. Good Luck on your treatment journey and let me know how it's going in a couple of months.

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