Hi all, above I have attached a picture of a visual supplement chart and reminder I made for my parents just recently. I wanted to share it on here in case anyone needs some visual aid when taking their supplements. The chart includes a majority of what supplements I take along with my supplement schedule throughout the day. Due to the busy life of grad-school I have not been able to focus as much on my ADHD research, but regardless I have still been researching and documenting.
I will be either releasing a video or uploading info on here on the following subject matters:
1. How does ADHD affect your Personality Type (Myers-Briggs)?? A video of all 16 personality types will be uploaded on my Youtube channel shortly.
2. How does Marijuana affect ADHD
- Differences between THC and CBD
- Differences between Sativas & Indicas and how different strains effect the ADHD mind and individual differently. Elaborating on which strains research has shown, benefit people with ADHD the most
3. How a Keto Diet affects ADHD, along with my own anecdotal advice.