I’m of lurisedon and my Paranoia has ... - CHADD's Adult ADH...

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I’m of lurisedon and my Paranoia has all but gone.

Tiggerakafidgity profile image
3 Replies

Well I’ve ADHD Adult.

At Xmas time I reduced my Lurisedone to 18.5mg per every other day.

The reason,I was diagnosed with LQT Syndrome.yeh FUxxx me how many syndromes can one person actually have lol.so here goes.

My psychiatrist gave me a call right as I was in a builders merchants.

I said it was ok to chat and he said I needed to reduce my drug intake by half.so there is me in the que with big builder like chaps and there is me talking about anti physcotic drugs.

Wow I looked around and there seemed to be half the customers in the que.so if you wanna clear a room full of double hard BASTxxrd builders you know what to do.

Any way to the serious stuff. So my QT was double what it should be but I didn’t really feel

Any different to be honest nor was I worried.

In fact the person who was worried the most was my wife when she said half way through sex omg your feeling dizzy we should stop.

Ah no I’m fine.I laughed and she didn’t find it very funny.

You see I’ve been diagnosed with colitis which is an auto immune disease.

So I was going to the toilet 17 times a day with diarear .sorry for the spelling. So I then get checked for cancer and have to wait 12 days.

Ok so I’ve adhd and I can beat anything.the world coming to an end a volcano disaster basically anything of some other magnitude.

So there is me not worried about cancer,my lovely wife is beside her self.

Now my mate gets tested and he has pancreatic cancer and lives for 2 months.

My god how I wish that was me instead but I saw him to the end and we did stuff that he had on his bucket list.just goes to show you how much you have to be thankful for hey.

So yeh I go for the snip and again its not straight forward as I told me wife as I went in.

Ah sir we have a problem we have to remove your next testicle as there is a 75 percent change you could have cancer as it doesn’t work properly.

So yer I lost a testicle but of i hadn’t gone for the snip then I may not be here.

So there is me seeing the so called stomach specialist who to be honest contradicts everything I say.i asked him why he cancelled my appointment.no answer.so I say in my well adhd way.

Playing golf or perhaps doing your private practice that the nhs spend millions of

Pounds training you.

So he said nothing apart from well we have this special medication for your colitis.

Oh yer really.

He says ah but you have to go away and think about this one.why I ask ?

Well what a fking surprise it has 3 times more chance of getting cancer.

So yup I your correct.i thought there must be a different way to deal with this out of the box unlike the specialists hey.

So meanwhile my dad dies.a year later I get married to the most wonderful person I’ve ever met before and her two lovely kids.

I came home one day and said to my now wife you best book two weeks and make sure the kids have there passports as I would love to take you to Vegas and get married.she couldn’t actually belive if.she thought I was joking.

So I had our rings made and her engagement ring made.we got engaged on the plane out there.we got married and we all went on a wicked tour of USA for two weeks with my new family.

So my wife’s dad is to I’ll to go with us and her mum had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.

So yes having adhd I very quickly thought of a solution. Hey let’s have our wedding streamed live to her family and our friends.

Wow how amazing was that.

OMG this has gone so of track.

Well I now don’t suffer from paranoia any more .it just disappeared over night.

I don’t get nervous having job interviews I can stand my ground I even fronted out a boss at Xmas as he was treating me like absolutely shit.

So I’m now not ln Lurisedon which now gives me the chance to become a specialised peer to peer support worker which my psychiatrist has said I should be and be an excellent role model.

You see I’ve seen cbt ppl I’ve had over 6 months of behavioural therapy which incidentally took me 2 yrs of pushing and pushing with ppl saying I don’t need it. Wow I said hey why don’t you actually take me in to account.you may prescribe the meds but fk me you don’t have adhd or any of the behavioural patterns I show.Well I got the therapy.after writing hundreds of letters which incidentally the secretary had to open and file.well it was her pushing that got me there.it was said he is a lovely guy.never late.always polite and smiles and says thank you.

He is the very few who actually wants to get some where with his mental health to help others.

Bingo I got the therapy.funny thing is the first thing he said to be in the room was”ah we will

Get you of all these meds and make you better”

Wow I was impressed but not to the fact that it was abviouse that he didn’t actually believe in adhd which is a shame as he is the only person who has actually stretched my mind to the limit of what the brain can actually accomplish.

So sorry went a little of line there.

As you can see I’ve been through a lot and even more when I was younger but that’s for another time.

Ok so meds don’t work or do they.is it

In the mind that they do or don’t work.

Well let me tell you.what I usually do

Is when I’m on a new med I give it atleast a

Few months. Yup I also know how the hell are you supposed to do that when you have a job.

I’m not gonna tell you that one either.

What I wlll say is belive it or not there actually I’m sorry to say isn’t a magic yeh let’s get on with life happy pill.

Yer by all means take your tablets but use them to your advantage.

Ie does the tablet calm you down ?

If so take that feeling and do some exercises for that.like meditation,calming exercises etc.

If the meds help you have a clearer mind.

Look on the net about your issues and try to help your self.or even come on here and gain experience from what others have to say works.

Use the meds to your advantage yer and get your self in to a better life.

Please don’t do it for any one but your self.

It’s got to be for your self I’ve found out.

Not your partner your dog lol or even your gold fish.

You’ve to admit your issues(that’s the hardest bit)you do that and you are half way there.

Ok so sorry for such s long winded message about truth life and it can be done.

I’ve just gone for a support workers role to

Do with mental health wish me luck

All the best and stand tall and move forward.

You know I know it and the world knows it


We are all proud of everyone’s accomplishments on here and don’t think other wise.

Well let’s see if this gets banned but ido hope not as I would like to give every one a well deserved lift for the rest of the day


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Tiggerakafidgity profile image
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3 Replies
nannew profile image

A "wonderful story"--thank you so much for sharing it

with us. What is the brand name of the medication?

Abilify is not the best for paranoia, I found out. T.U.

nona pincer.

Tiggerakafidgity profile image
Tiggerakafidgity in reply to nannew

I used ability but had to stop as of my heart.

In the England the tablet for paranoia that I was on is called Lurisedon

Tiggerakafidgity profile image
Tiggerakafidgity in reply to nannew

Thanks for the kind words 😁😁😁

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