My son was diagnosed with adjustment disorder with anxiety. We moved from out of state, and when he was supposed to start kindergarten, he did well for a couple weeks, then started not engaging with his class, running out of the building and away much of the time, then all out refused to go to school. School and new changes produce a high level of anxiety. We assumed autism/asd, but that was ruled out. Adhd may still be a possibility.
Given that he experienced a move and then a new school, those are tough tasks to adjust to for a 6 year old. He did the same thing the year prior. He was in a daycare school prior to pre school, which he loved. But when that ended, and he began pre school, he eventually began to fall apart, similar to how he is now with kindergarten.
All he wants to do now is stay at home and watch tv. All day and night. He is withdrawn from doing so many things that he used to do. He doesnt like the new home we are in and the new school he should be an active part of.
Suggestions? Ideas? I fight for him daily, but I will admit, sometimes the tears get the best of me and I'm left feeling lost and helpless.
Thanks for reading my story, since October.