Hi Everyone,
I’m looking for any advice here… my 8 year old is has new repetitive “tics” that have appeared over the past 2 months. He’s currently on Focalin immediate release and has been for about 1 year. When he was in kindergarten (and before he was medicated) he had a throat clearing tick which lasted about 2 months then went away. When he started stimulant medications, he had an eye blinking tic that lasted about 6-8 months and went away. Needless to say, the staff at his school scheduled a special meeting with me because they are concerned he has Tourette’s. We don’t see the tics as much at home because he is not medicated on the weekends. I do not want him in multiple medications, and as I understand with non-stimulants, they build up in your body and hence he would be medicated 24x7 if we went that route. I sent him to school on Monday non-medicated and although he interrupted music class, his teacher noted he had a way better afternoon than normal, and he was able to eat lunch since his appetite wasn’t suppressed from Focalin. I tried to explain to the staff that stimulants can exacerbate underlying tics, that normally wouldn’t be cause for concern/additional treatment.